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Application for cinema club`s member that allows to see trending or searching movies, to get info and trailer, to create custom lists with watched and scheduled movies.

Click link: Filmoteka

Movies API (need to register to get api_key): themoviedb

The application consists of 2 pages:


  • The homepage with uploading popular movies

Main page

  • The first page of the movies`catalog displays 20 listings, and the rest of them - on clicking the pagination buttons


  • Searching and displaying movies by keyword


  • Clicking the movie card opens a modal window with detailed information about the movie and opportunity to watch its trailer


  • By clicking on the "Add to watched" and "Add to queue" buttons, the movie is added to the list of watched movies or the queue list of the current user, respectively

Add to lists

  • Switching dark/ligth theme by clicking on icon

Switch theme

My Library

  • By clicking on the "Watched" and "Queue" buttons, the watched movies or movies added to the user's queue are shown, respectively


For start use command:

Install the dependencies of the project in the terminal with the command

npm install

Start the development mode, executed the command

npm start

Open http://localhost:1234 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.

Technology Stack:

HTML  CSS  JavaScript  Axios