car pool back-end web service in Golang with Postgresql database
This is a project I'm taking on because one I think its a cool Idea and would love to see it come alive in the future and two I really enjoy programing a golang and want put a challange forward to help me better understand the language and all its power. I'm taking it one step at a time, for the time being I'm staying away form goroutines, but the idea is to bring them in once I have a solid version of the back-end webservice working.
general idea of back-end webservice:
This back-end webservice is intended for a car pooling application. Essentially its a REST API that takes in Json request from a client a provides Json responses to client.
There is two types of users: Driver and Rider Driver offers rides, Riders needs ride. The nuts and bolts of the API is that given a route offered by driver, and route needed by rider it links these two. Providing rich json responses to enable a front-end client to link up a driver and rider.
Ideas for the future: Add goroutines
develope front-end apps using React Native (android and ios)