This Github action gets a label by key and pr labels
- Gets keyed label on pr
- if specified label_key is
and labels on PR are["bug", "issue", "version:beta", "bump:patch"]
- if specified label_key is
- outputs
- outputs
- Gets the list of labels on pr
- if labels on PR are
["bug", "issue", "version:beta", "bump:patch"]
- if labels on PR are
- outputs
- outputs
The key used to get the label_value by key, i.e <label_key>:<label_value>
`label_key` => "bump" for a label=`bump:patch`
label_key defaults to ""
When no label with the label key is specified the default label_value to output
`default_label_value` => "patch"
defaults to ""
Order of precedence for label_values,
if the label_key is `bump`
and multiple labels appear in the pr with key bump i.e `["bump:patch", "bump:minor", "bump:major"]`
and the label_value_order is `"patch,minor,major"` the patch value would take precedence and be outputted over the other two.
defaults to ""
The token used to get labels for non pull_request events, i.e push events
not needed if labels are only needed for pull_request events
${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
defaults ""
The label value output. If key is bump and label is bump:patch
the label_value=patch
The labels on the pr seperated by a comma. If labels are ["hello", "now", "new:now"]
the labels="hello,now,new:now"
- name: Get bump version
id: bump_label
uses: SamirMarin/get-labels-action@v0
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
label_key: bump
label_value_order: "patch,minor,major,ignore"
default_label_value: patch
- name: Get tag prefix
id: tag_prefix
uses: SamirMarin/get-labels-action@v0
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
label_key: version
default_label_value: v
- name: Bump version and push tag
id: tag_version
uses: mathieudutour/github-tag-action@v6.1
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
default_bump: ${{ steps.bump_label.outputs.label_value }}
dry_run: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
tag_prefix: ${{ steps.tag_prefix.outputs.label_value }}