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Scaffold overview

Samuel Eminet edited this page Feb 2, 2016 · 23 revisions

Here is a the structure you should get after Flair plugin is initalized.



Contains all AIR native extensions, Flair comes out with flair.PhysicalDensity.ane.


Contains all non compiled (as files) external libraries, Flair comes out with Starling, Feathers, as3-signals, gestouch and Flair libraries.


Contains all compiled libraries, Flair comes out with flair-Logger.swc.


Contains all common files from all targeted platform.

  • src/main/actionscript

    Contains your projects classes.

  • src/main/assets

    Contains any files that will be packaged into application but you'll need to load manually at runtime. Any files in this directory wil not be load into memory at startup in contrary to files in resources directory.

  • src/main/fonts

    Contains all font files.

  • src/main/generated

    Contains Fonts and R classes, theses classes are auto generated from your src/xxx/fonts and src/xxx/resources directories.

  • src/main/resources

    Contains all resources files that will be loaded into memory at startup, this works pretty much the same as android.

src/ios, src/android, src/desktop

Contains all platform specific files, this includes certificates, icons, splashscreens and app descriptor xml, but you may as well add actionscript, assets, fonts, and resources folders as in your main folder, these will only be compiled/packaged with corresponding platform. Note these platform folders are generated only if you have applied the corresponding plugin in your build.gradle file.