Repo to analyse readmission data
- Set up a virtual environment and install the packages in
- open
and run
| .gitignore <- Files (& file types) automatically removed from version control for security purposes
| config.toml <- Configuration file with parameters we want to be able to change (e.g. date)
| requirements.txt <- Requirements for reproducing the analysis environment
| pyproject.toml <- Configuration file containing package build information
| LICENCE <- License info for public distribution
| <- Quick start guide / explanation of your project
| analysis.ipynb <- Runs the overall pipeline to produce the publication
+---src <- Scripts with functions for use in 'analysis.ipynb'. Contains project's codebase.
| | <- Makes the functions folder an importable Python module
| | utils <- functions used in the analysis - probably needs breaking down into more sections.
+---data <- reference data and open source data used in the analysis (not best practice to store here - in future would move outside the repo)
| | <- Makes the functions folder an importable Python module
| | <- Tests for the functions in
Leave any comments as issues.