- Intro to JVM
- GraalVM – Architecture and Implementation
- GraalVM architecture
- Graal Just-In-Time Compiler
- Graal Ahead-of-Time Compiler and Native Image
- Building native images
- Analyzing the native image with GraalVM Dashboard
- Understanding PGO
- Native image configuration
- Generating Graal graphs for native images
- Understanding how native images manage memory
- Building static native images and native shared libraries
- Debugging native images
- Limitations of Graal AOT (Native Image)
- GraalVM containers
- Polyglot with Graal
- Truffle – An Overview
- Exploring the Truffle language implementation framework
- Exploring the Truffle interpreter/compiler pipeline
- Learning Truffle DSL
- Understanding how Truffle supports interoperability
- Understanding Truffle instrumentation
- Ahead-of-time compilation using Truffle
- Optimizing Truffle interpreter performance with launcher options
- SimpleLanguage and Simple Tool
- Language interoperability
- Truffle – An Overview
- Microservices with Graal
- References/Bibliography
[1] A. Kumar y an O. M. C. Safari, Supercharge Your Applications with GraalVM. 2021 [Online]. Disponible en: https://go.oreilly.com/queensland-university-of-technology/library/view/-/9781800564909/?ar. [Accedido: 26-sep-2021]