The MSRTC Board developed this application, which allows Passengers to browse the Bus Schedule / Timetable and arrange a Reservation for their trip.
The application's primary objective is to provide Passengers with both a Simple & User-Friendly Reservation Experience.
The application will be used by the two categories of users:
Admin (Administrator)
User (Passenger)
- J.D.B.C
- SpringBoot
The platform allows a passenger to browse through the bus schedule and make a reservation, as well as the Administrator to add buses, routes, view and confirm customer reservations.
When a person books or reserves a ticket, the reservation goes to Administrator for confirmation and the status is set as "Waiting" for the particular reservation.
Once the Administrator verifies and confirms the reservation, the status changes from "Pending / Waiting" to "Confirmed".
- Add New Buses into Depot
- Remove Buses from Depot
- Add New Route into Timetable
- Delete Route from Timetable
- Confirm Passenger's Reservations
- Book New Reservations
- Cancel Reservations
- Check Reservations Status
Install the Spring Tools Suite
Install MySQL Community Server
Clone the Project
git clone https://github.com/Sakshi00555/Bus_Ticket_Reservation_System
Open MySQL Server
Create a New Database in SQL: Bus_Reservation_System
Go to the Project Directory & Open SQL Folder > SQL Tables
Create The Same Tables in Your Bus_Reservation_System Database
Create a Admin For Your Database
Go to the Project Directory
Open the Bus_Ticket_Reservation_System Folder With S.T.S
Go to Build Path > Libraries > Class_Path
Add the Jar File Present in JDBC Driver As External Jar
Go to Utility Package > Data Base Utility
Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "root", "ENTER YOUR SQL SERVER PASSWORD");
Go to Run Package
NOTE : Insert Data Into Database Either Through Application OR Through MySQL By Entering the Queries From SQL Queries
Run as Java Application !
Contributions are always Welcome !
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are Greatly Appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this application better, Please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also connect with me for further development of this application !
Don't forget to give the project a star ! Thank You !