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Interactive deep learning whole-cell segmentation and thresholding using partial annotations


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Interactive deep learning whole-cell segmentation and thresholding using partial annotations

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Segmenting noisy multiplex spatial tissue images is a challenging task, since the characteristics of both the noise and the biology being imaged differs significantly across tissues and modalities; this is compounded by the high monetary and time costs associated with manual annotations. It is therefore important to create algorithms that can accurately segment the noisy images based on a small number of annotations. With ImPartial, we have developed an algorithm to perform segmentation using as few as 2-3 training images with some user-provided scribbles. ImPartial augments the segmentation objective via self-supervised multi-channel quantized imputation, meaning that each class of the segmentation objective can be characterized by a mixture of distributions. This is based on the observation that perfect pixel-wise reconstruction or denoising of the image is not needed for accurate segmentation, and hence a self-supervised classification objective that better aligns with the overall segmentation goal suffices. We demonstrate the superior performance of our approach for a variety of datasets acquired with different highly-multiplexed imaging platform.


figure1_workflow (A) Overview of the ImPartial pipeline. (B) Each image patch is separated into an imputation patch and a blind spot patch. The blind spot patch is fed through the U-Net to recover the component mixture and the component statistics. The latter statistics are averaged across the entire patch to enforce component consistency. Both the component statistics and component mixture are used to compute the mixture loss for the patch. Simultaneously, a scribble containing a small number of ground truth segmentations for the patch is used to compute the scribble loss. Both losses propagate gradients back to the U-Net architecture on the backward pass.



  • Python 3

Install Python dependencies in a virtual environment using pip

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip && pip install -r requirements.txt

Run MONAI Label app

cd impartial
monailabel start_server -a api -s <data-dir>

and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to access the Swagger UI for interactive API exploration.

MONAI Label in Docker

Build the docker image

docker build -t monailabel/impartial .

run the image built above

docker run -d --name impartial -p 8000:8000 monailabel/impartial monailabel start_server -a api -s /opt/monai/data

and navigate to http://localhost:8000

ImageJ/Fiji Plugin


First, package the plugin. From the repo root directory

cd imagej-plugin
mvn clean package

and copy the .jar file into Fiji's plugins directory. For example, if you're using macOS

cp target/impartial_imagej-0.1.jar /Applications/

then restart Fiji and open ImPartial from the Plugins menu bar.

This repository provides a training and testing pipeline using the ImPartial framework.

ImPartial (original)


CUDA CuDNN (CPU mode and CUDA without CuDNN may work with minimal modification)


  • pd_files.csv list of training/testing images
  • pd_files_scribbles.csv list of training images with scribbles
  • nclasses number of classes for segmentation tasks
  • rec_channels number of reconstruction channels


Dataset Description
MIBI 4 2-channel mibi images, segmentation classes: cytoplasm, nuclei in cytoplasm, nuclei out of cytoplasm
Vectra 8 2-channel Vectra images, segmentation classes: cytoplasm, nuclei in cytoplasm, nuclei out of cytoplasm

Data Preparation and Preprocessing


  • Create dataset for ImPartial training
  • Select training images split into train, val, test sets
  • Use preprocessing files to generate input .npz files
  • If ground truth labels are available:
    • Use automated skeltonization on ground truth labels to generate scribbles .npz files
  • If NO ground truth labels:
    • Create scribbles using Deepcell label or other annotation tools such as ImageJ


There are two notebooks for preparing and processing a dataset.

  • Prepare_dataset.ipynb

    1. Load the dataset
    2. Select the images you want to use (save_list)
    3. Select the images from (save_list) to be used in training (train_list). Remaining images to be used in test.
    4. Set (savedir) path to save .npz files.
    5. Create files.csv which contains names (prefix) and path (input_dir) of train and test images (group)
  • Preprocessing.ipynb (Automated scribble generation of training image from ground truth labels)

    1. Read files.csv
    2. Get number of instances per segmentation class
    3. Define number of scribbles for labels
    4. Define percentage validation region (val_perc = 0.4)
    5. Scribbles .npz file is saved in the input_dir path defined in pd_files (files.csv)
    6. Scribbles .csv file is also saved (contains parameters related to scribbles)


Create the following dataset-specific training configuration in

n_channels = number of input image channels
classification_tasks = a python dict of tasks and corresponding number of classes, recunstruction channels
    if cparser.dataset == 'Deepcell':
        scribble_fname = 'files_2tasks_10images_scribble_train_' + cparser.scribbles + '.csv'
        files_scribbles = os.path.join(data_dir, scribble_fname)
        pd_files_scribbles = pd.read_csv(files_scribbles) #scribbles

        n_channels = 2
        classification_tasks = {'0': {'classes': 1, 'rec_channels': [0,1], 'ncomponents': [2, 2]},
                                '1': {'classes': 1, 'rec_channels': [0], 'ncomponents': [1, 2]}}
  • Select/adjust training parameters

    • Set input file paths in ( file
      data_dir = "path to data directory containg .npz files"
      data_dir = '/user/data/impartial/' # example
    • Set output file paths in ( file
      basedir_root = " path to output files "
      basedir_root = "/user/experiments/deepcell/models/" # example
    • Set dataset name
    • Set mcdropout, checkpoint ensembles, no. of epochs etc.
  • Training output is represented as .pickle file

    - output is a dictionary with tasks as keys (in case of 2 tasks [0,1], in case of 1 task [0])
    - each output[task] is a dictionary with:
      - 'class_segmentation': np.array size = (batch x nclasses x h x w) 
      - 'class_segmentation_variance': np.array size = (batch x nclasses x h x w)

Example training command

				--basedir=$basedir_root"Deepcell/s400/Impartial/" \ 
				--dataset="Deepcell" \ 
				--model_name="Im_2tasks_base64depth4relu_adam5e4_mcdrop1e4_nsave5_segCEGauss_w04501_seed42" \ 
				--saveout=True \ 
				--scribbles=400 \ 
				--gpu=0 \ 
				--optim_regw=0.0001 \ 
				--optim="adam" \ 
				--lr=0.0005 \ 
				--gradclip=0  \
				--seed=42 \ 
				--train=True  \
				--udepth="4"  \
				--ubase="64"  \
				--activation="relu" \ 
				--batchnorm=False \ 
				--seg_loss="CE" \ 
				--rec_loss="gaussian" \ 
				--nsaves=5 \ 
				--mcdrop=True \ 
				--reset_optim=True \ 
				--reset_validation=False \ 
				--wfore=0.45  \
				--wback=0.45  \
				--wrec=0.1 \ 
				--wreg=0.0 \ 
				--ratio=0.95  \
				--epochs=300  \
				--batch=64 \ 
				> "output/path/to/logs"

Evaluation Using Pretrained Model

To test the model use the following sample command. Modify the basedir, dataset, model_name to test a different model. Sample pretrained models can be downloaded here.

Example evaluation command

				--basedir=$basedir_root"Deepcell/s400/Impartial/" \
				--dataset="Deepcell" \
				--model_name="Im_2tasks_base64depth4relu_adam5e4_mcdrop1e4_nsave5_segCEGauss_w04501_seed42" \
				--saveout=True \
				--scribbles=400 \
				--gpu=0 \
				--optim_regw=0.0001 \
				--optim="adam" \
				--lr=0.0005 \
				--gradclip=0 \
				--seed=42 \
				--train=False \
				--udepth="4" \
				--ubase="64" \
				--activation="relu" \
				--batchnorm=False \
				--seg_loss="CE" \
				--rec_loss="gaussian" \
				--nsaves=5 \
				--mcdrop=True \
				--reset_optim=True \
				--reset_validation=False  \
				--wfore=0.45 \
				--wback=0.45 \
				--wrec=0.1 \
				--wreg=0.0 \
				--ratio=0.95  \
				--epochs=300 --batch=64 \

				> "output/path/to/logs"

Google CoLab:

If you don't have access to GPU or appropriate hardware, we have also created Google CoLab project for your convenience. Please follow the steps in the provided notebook to install the requirements and run the training and testing scripts. All the libraries and pretrained models have already been set up there. The user can directly run ImPartial on their dataset using the instructions given in the Google CoLab project.

Monai-label and Impartial Integration:


  1. Monailabel installation
  2. ImageJ (Fiji) app installation

Server - Install monai app

  • Create a virtual env with python 3.8
	$ source activate pytorch_p38
	$ python -m venv monai-env
	$ source monai-env/bin/activate
	python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
	# Install latest stable version for pytorch
	pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio===0.9.0 -f
	# Check if cuda enabled
	python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())"

	# To install latest Monai label from github main branc
	pip install git+

If you don't have a GPU in your machine, a aws server could be used to install Monai label

  • checkout latest monailabel-Impartial app code from git repo inside the monai environment just created.
	$ source monai-env/bin/activate
	$ git clone
	$ git checkout feat/monai 
	$ git pull
	$ pip install -r requirements.txt 
	$ sudo apt-get install openslide-tools python-openslide

Client - Install ImageJ plugin

  • Install Fiji app. Download here
  • Clone the impartial git repo and checkout latest imageJ plugin branch
	$ git clone 
	$ git checkout feat/imagej-plugin
  • Install maven
	$ brew install mvn
  • If you don't have brew
curl install brew /bin/bash -c '$(curl -fsSL'
  • To run imagej plugin with monai app training server change in bellow file:
change the monaiLabelUrl in 'src/main/java/org/nadeemlab/impartial/'

For instance: 
	monaiLabelUrl = "";
  • Build plugin locally and copy to Fiji app
	$ cd ImPartial/imagej-plugin 
	$ mvn install 

Copy the latest build imagej plugin from 'ImPartial/imagej-plugintarget/impartial_imagej-0.1.jar' to '/Applications/'


Please report all issues on the public forum.


© Nadeem Lab - ImPartial code is distributed under Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause license, and is available for non-commercial academic purposes.


If you find our work useful in your research or if you use parts of this code, please cite our paper:

@article {Martinez2021.01.20.427458,
	author = {Martinez, Natalia and Sapiro, Guillermo and Tannenbaum, Allen and Hollmann, Travis J. and Nadeem, Saad},
	title = {ImPartial: Partial Annotations for Cell Instance Segmentation},
	elocation-id = {2021.01.20.427458},
	year = {2021},
	doi = {10.1101/2021.01.20.427458},
	publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}


Interactive deep learning whole-cell segmentation and thresholding using partial annotations







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