See Completion Status for remaining tasks.
- Install sumneko.lua language server extension in your IDE of choice
- Clone this repo into your addon directory and .gitignore it.
- Configure
, including path to root directory of these type definitions. - The language server doesn't support Lua 5.0, so avoid using features added in Lua 5.1.
"diagnostics.globals": [
"runtime.version": "Lua 5.1",
"type.inferParamType": true,
"workspace.library": ["wow-api-type-definitions"]
This repo includes work adapted from documentation:
- Events from Shagu, who sourced from namreebs "[WoW] Info Dump Thread"
- Global Functions from wowpedia, 20 October 2006
- Interface globals (mostly unsupported) MOUZU
- Widgets from wowpedia, 9 October 2006
The only software license compatible with this project is the GNU GPLv3. That's because Wowpedia and WoWWiki license content under CC BY-SA 3.0, which allows upgrading to CC BY-SA 4.0, and then one-way to GNU GPLv3 to complete a license hat trick.