- 檔案名稱必須要跟最終繼承合約(主合約)的 Contract 變數名稱一致,例如第 48 題:
的 contract 必須為 answer48
contract answer48 is ERC721, ERC721Storage {
// ...
的 contract 必須為 problem48
contract problem48 is ERC721, ERC721Storage {
// ...
"problemSolution": [
"methodName": "VerifySignature(address,uint256,uint256,address,uint8,uint256,bytes)",
"callData": [
"expectReturn": "true"
- 區塊鏈是沒辦法直接回傳 write function 的 return 給鏈下世界的,所以必須寫一個 getFunction (Read Function) 去讀你要檢查的值。
address public a;
function changeValue(address inputAddr) public returns (address) {
a = inputAddr;
return a;
address public a;
function changeValue(address inputAddr) public{
a = inputAddr;
function get_a() public view returns(address){
return a
對應上方的正確合約出法,在 problem<number>.json
"problemSolution": [
"methodName": "changeValue(address)",
"callData": [
"expectReturn": []
"methodName": "get_a()",
"callData": [],
"expectReturn": ["0x90A1ad9E7c86590Fb8eD813bA7f93a6799fBF8b7"]
- Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/SWF-Lab/DappChef-Core-Contract.git
- Make sure the
arguments are same as your image. (add your private key of account which has enough goerliEther).
$ cp .env.example .env
- Prepare the node_modules
$ yarn install
- Compile the contract:
$ yarn compile --force
- Create new branch, reference with SWF-Lab/github_practice:
$ git checkout main # Change to the main branch
$ git pull # Make sure the local code is same with the remote
$ git checkout -b add-my-context # Create new branch
- Put your problems to the folder
with template below. - Write your problems statement and its Token Metadata in Metadata Folder...
- Push the code to remote repo:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "add new problems from x to y"
$ git push
Use the Judge Script to test your problem in Goerli.
Make sure the problem contract has been compiled (
$ yarn compile
), and the private key in the.env
is as your image.
$ yarn execute scripts/judgeGanache.ts
$ yarn execute scripts/judgeGoerli.ts --network goerli
yarn run v1.22.18
$ node -r ts-node/register -r tsconfig-paths/register hardhatRunWithArgs.ts scripts/judgeGoerli.ts --network goerli
√ Please enter the problemNumber you want to judge: ... 15
Trying to deploy problem 15 with Deployer Contract:
Tx successful with hash: 0xaaa0917f1d4fc2f78760167e5fe1e2055d88aebeea2ca09e661c0910dc748043
Deployed contract address is 0xC9f1e159fD3fA27B8a3e235947d499A01579E3A9
Begin the Judging...
Testing 0: getOwner()
- Sameple Input:
- Sameple Output: 0xdCca4cE55773359E191110Eeb21E0413f770032B
- Your Output: 0xdCca4cE55773359E191110Eeb21E0413f770032B
Testing 1: getFoo()
- Sameple Input:
- Sameple Output: 321
- Your Output: 321
All Accepted!
Done in 18.75s.
$ yarn execute scripts/produceProblemsJSON.ts
storing file(s) from [object Object]
cid: 'bafybeibrjtmdmpv4g2j7yibdhijlq3m6huq34jqfj3twglpyea6xk7pcz4',
deals: [],
size: 173575,
pin: {
cid: 'bafybeibrjtmdmpv4g2j7yibdhijlq3m6huq34jqfj3twglpyea6xk7pcz4',
created: 2023-03-19T05:14:07.137Z,
size: 173575,
status: 'pinned'
created: 2023-03-19T05:14:07.137Z
storing file(s) from [object Object]
cid: 'bafybeiclx7jl4eqyesgvj6umcus7ihbfzlwlfvjm2rn3iej3rvtodebexm',
deals: [],
size: 57387,
pin: {
cid: 'bafybeiclx7jl4eqyesgvj6umcus7ihbfzlwlfvjm2rn3iej3rvtodebexm',
created: 2023-03-19T05:14:18.942Z,
size: 57387,
status: 'pinned'
created: 2023-03-19T05:14:18.942Z
Done in 28.07s.