The repository is divided into two components: front-end and back-end. The app allows users to do some coding problems, which is similar to Leetcode & Codility, for Smart Contract Construction. |
- Main Website
- User Profile
- Answer Interface
- Online-Compiler & Problem Solver
- Signing Server
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone
- Install the dependencies, make sure your node version is
>= v16.0.0
$ node -v
$ cd DappChef-MonoRepo && yarn
- Start the app locally
$ yarn start
Make sure the
arguments are same as your image.
- Create new branch, reference with SWF-Lab/github_practice:
$ git checkout main # Change to the main branch
$ git pull # Make sure the local code is same with the remote
$ git checkout -b add-my-context # Create new branch
- Write your code...
- Code quality and formatting. Run Prettier to automatically format the code:
$ yarn format
- Push the code to remote repo
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "add a new funcationality"
$ git push