Update to version 0.0.7+git.1737125956.a7079fc:
- Call saphana-check.sh if the script is available in /usr/lib/saphana-checks (SUSE package) or in /opt/sap/saphana-checks (SAP package)
(jsc#PED-11748, jsc#PED-11747) - to support 'trento checks' on supportutils content collect additional information:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function Ping
corosync-cmapctl -b
su - -c disp+work
su - -c 'sapcontrol -nr -function GetVersionInfo'
ls -lA --time-style=long-iso /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/[0-9][0-9]-SAP[A-Z][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]-[0-9][0-9].rules
content of files in /etc/products.d/
(jsc#PED-12000, jsc#PED-12001) - collect Netweaver version by
'sapcontrol -nr -function GetVersionInfo' - collect 'operation_mode' setting by
'python getParameter.py --key=global.ini/system_replication/operation_mode --sapcontrol=1' - some shellcheck cleanup
- adaption to the new used supportconfig.rc
- Call saphana-check.sh if the script is available in /usr/lib/saphana-checks (SUSE package) or in /opt/sap/saphana-checks (SAP package)
change requirements
remove the long deprecated supportconfig-plugin-resource and supportconfig-plugin-tag and add instead 'Requires: supportutils'