Simply put... A few intelligent servers manage a dynamic array of workers that can perform any task on demand in a massively multi-threaded environment.
STEM Management created Surge in 2009 seeking to solve common issues encountered in datacenters managing big data flows. Surge is an extensible platform designed to grow; it is intended to be customized for each customer given their enterprise specific goals.
An introduction video can be found here (
The website ( has installers and more information.
The code released here is running in production environments; it can be used directly, and serve as a set of examples on how developers might create their own extensions to the platform.
The Deployment Managers: these are the brains, discovering and assigning work
The Branch Managers: these are the dumb workers, they do exactly what the Deployment Managers dictate
The Message Fabric: this is the means of Manager/Branch communication using a custom message format
Custom Deployment Controllers: Extend the Deployment Managers
Custom Instructions: Extend the Branch Managers
Custom Messages: Extend/Customize communications
When a class type is prefixed with an underscore, prefer the type without the underscore.
Custom DeploymentControllers should ALWAYS derive from STEM.Surge.DeploymentController or STEM.Surge.FileDeploymentController if they're not deriving from another DeploymentController
Custom Instructions should ALWAYS derive from STEM.Surge.Instruction if they're not deriving from another Instruction
When Instruction._Run() returns false the configured FailureAction will be invoked
When Instruction._Run() adds to the Exceptions collection an error file will be created
ONLY when Instruction._Run() returns false (regardless of the Exceptions collection state) will the configured FailureAction be invoked