This is a ROS Package developed by SRM Team Humanoid for controlling ROBOTIS Dynamixel smart servos and ROBOTIS FSR Sensors.
Requires Robotis Dynamixel-SDK c version installed.
Refer to Official Robotis DynamixelSDK page here for installation instructions for DynamixelSDK
Clone the ROS Package into your catkin workspace src directory and run catkin_make
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
cd .. && catkin_make
To start the writer node in debug mode, the values are only printed and not written to the actuators, set the debug parameter true.
rosrun ros_dynamixel _debug:=true
The writer node subscribes to topic /pynamixel/actuation that uses Actuation message.
To learn about the actuation message format
rosmsg info ros_dynamixel/Actuation
fsr_reader node publishes the left and right foot FSR sensor readings into topic /pynamixel/fsr/left and /pynamixel/fsr/right respectively.
rosrun ros_dynamixel
These topics use FSR message. To learn about the FSR message format
rosmsg info ros_dynamixel/FSR
This package currently supports only Dynamixel MX series servos with protocol 1.0. Support for other motors and protocol 2.0 coming soon