- { display: }
- none (hide from the page)
- block (block mapping)
- inline (line display)
- inline-block (behaves externally as a row, and internally as a block)
- flex
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
- justify-content
- align-items
- align-content
- grid
- grid-template-columns
- grid-template-rows
- fr (fraction)
- justify-items
- align-items
- grid-template-areas
- { position: }
- static
- relative
- absolute
- fixed
- sticky
- inherit
- { float: }
- left
- right
- { z-index: }
- { width: }
- { height: }
- { box-sizing: }
- content-box
- border-box
- { margin: }
- 0 auto
- N (all sides)
- N N (top-bottom | left-right)
- N N N (top | left-right | bottom)
- N N N N (top | right | bottom | left)
- { border: }
- -color
- -style
- solid
- dotted
- dashed
- double
- { padding: }
- -top
- -right
- -bottom
- -left
- { font-family: }
- serif (Times)
- sans-serif (Arial)
- monospace (Courier)
- cursive (italic)
- fantasy
- { font-size: }
- { color: }
- { letter-spacing: }
- { line-height: }
- { text-align: }
- left
- center
- right
- justify
- { font-weight: }
- 100 (thin, hairline)
- 400 (normal, regular, book)
- 600 (semi bold, demi bold)
- 800 (extra bold, ultra bold)
- { text-decoration: }
- { white-space: }
- { text-overflow: }
- { text-shadow: }
- { overflow: }
- visible
- hidden
- scroll
- auto
- initial
- inherit
- { opacity: }
- 0
- 0.5
- 1
- { visibility: }
- visible
- hidden
- { background-color: }
- { background-image: }
- linear-gradient ()
- radial-gradient ()
- background-position
- background-size
- background-repeat
- background-attachment
- { box-shadow: }
- Х
- У
- blur
- spread
- color
- @media:
- mobile first
- desktop first
- @keyframes animationName {...}
- animation-name: animationName;
- animation-duration
- animation-iteration-count
- animation-direction
- animation-timing-function
- animation-delay
- animation-play-state