ANT Framework v8.0
ANT Framework v7.0
Merge pull request #302 from LeeHayun/master Update Submodules for ANT v7.0
ANT Framework v6.0
Fix document error
ANT Framework v5.0
Support Python API
ANT Framework v4.0
Gateway Offloading
ANT Framework v3.0
Lightweight JavaScript App Runtime and APIs
- Introduce IoT.js instead of node.js
- Node.js adaptation layer will be introduced soon.
- It reduces minimal memory footprint of ANT to 1.3MB. (It was 30MB in v2.0)
- Easier implementation of additional APIs based on Resource API
- Remote UI API is made based on Resource API
- Simplified and Lightweight App Runtime
- It was app core framework in v2.0
New ANT Companion App
- Introduce ANT Companion App instead of ANT Manager App
- Simplified Android-side companion application
New Stream API and Compiler-based Machine Learning Runtime
- Add Stream API to customize end-to-end machine learning pipeline.
- It was camera framework and machine learning framework in v2.0
- Introduce TVM instead of ArmCL, Caffe and FANN.
ANT Framework v2.0 (Classic)
- Introduce resource frameworks and REST API to ANT
- Add new frameworks: Gateway, Selective Connection
- Replace Caffe with ArmCL for machine learning framework
- Support for Odroid-XU3 and Odroid-XU4
ANT Framework v1.0 Release 1 (For Android)
ANT Framework v1.0 Release 1 for Android
ANT Framework v1.0 Release 1
- ANT API v1.0: App, Machine Learning Prototype, Camera, Sensor, Communication
- Target Boards: Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3, Tegra TX1, Tegra TX2
- Frameworks: Appcore, Camera, Sensor
- Common Libraries: Communication, Message
- Prototype of Machine Learning Framework: Support ANN
- Built-in(System) Apps: CameraViewer, SensorViewer, ImageClassifier, MotionClassifier
- Testing System (Integration with Travis CI)