Releases: SICKAG/sick_scan_xd
V2.7.4 ROS2 compilation error #83
Fixed ROS2 compilation error #83
V2.7.3 Support LFPmeanfilter, LFPmedianfilter, LMDscandatascalefactor
Support for LFPmeanfilter and LFPmedianfilter (MRS1xxx, LMS1xxx, LMS4xxx, LRS4xxx) and LMDscandatascalefactor (LRS4xxx)
V2.7.0 Integration and support for Multiscan136 lidars (sick_scansegment_xd)
Support for Multiscan136 lidars (sick_scansegment_xd) are integrated in sick_scan_xd
V2.6.8 Merge pull request #76
Merge pull request #76
V2.6.7 LMS5xx configuration
Update LMS5xx configuration
V2.6.6: NAV310 + LRS4xxx update, issues #58, #59, #60, #61
Release v2.6.6: NAV310 + LRS4xxx update, issues #58, #59, #60, #61
#58 (NAV310): min/max angle removed from config
#59 (NAV310+LRS4xxx): laserscan and pointcloud identical
#60 (LRS4xxx): validated parameter scan_cfg_list_entry and skip
#61 (LRS4xxx): default value echo filter changed to "2" (last echo)
V2.6.5 LRS4xxx scan configuration
LRS4xxx configuration of scan rate, angular resolution, min and max angle and frame id in the launch file:
<param name="frame_id" type="str" value="cloud"/>
<param name="min_ang" type="double" value="-3.1415926"/>
<param name="max_ang" type="double" value="3.1415926"/>
<param name="scan_cfg_list_entry" type="int" value="1"/>
<!-- Parameter scan_cfg_list_entry can be set to one of the following modes of the LRS4000 table (sets the scan configuration by "sMN mCLsetscancfglist <mode>")
Mode Name Interlaced ScanFreq ResultScanFreq Resolution TotalResol FieldOfView
1 12.5Hz & 0.040 deg 0x 12.5 Hz 12.5 Hz 0.040 deg 0.040 deg 360 deg
2 12.5Hz & 0.060 deg 0x 12.5 Hz 12.5 Hz 0.060 deg 0.060 deg 360 deg
4 12.5Hz & 0.100 deg 0x 12.5 Hz 12.5 Hz 0.100 deg 0.100 deg 360 deg
5 12.5Hz & 0.120 deg 0x 12.5 Hz 12.5 Hz 0.120 deg 0.120 deg 360 deg
11 12.5Hz & 0.020 deg 0x 12.5 Hz 12.5 Hz 0.040 deg 0.020 deg 288 deg
71 25Hz & 0.040 deg 0x 25 Hz 25 Hz 0.080 deg 0.040 deg 288 deg
61 25Hz & 0.080 deg 0x 25 Hz 25 Hz 0.080 deg 0.080 deg 360 deg
62 25Hz & 0.120 deg 0x 25 Hz 25 Hz 0.120 deg 0.120 deg 360 deg
64 25Hz & 0.200 deg 0x 25 Hz 25 Hz 0.200 deg 0.200 deg 360 deg
65 25Hz & 0.240 deg 0x 25 Hz 25 Hz 0.240 deg 0.240 deg 360 deg
V2.6.4 LMS5xx echo filter settings corrected
LMS5xx echo filter settings corrected, #49 fixed.
V2.6.3 Timestamp laserscan messages
- Timestamp Laserscan message corrected #47.
- Timestamp of pointcloud and laserscan messages identical and computed from lidar ticks by software-pll.
V2.6.2 LDMRS spinning problem
Update for LDMRS spinning problem #44