A target tracking program based on HSV thresholds and Kalman filters.And this is just my homework. <<<<<<< HEAD .
Here are the descriptions of our folders.
ESpoints: Containing the txt files which record the estimated points of Kalman.
TRpoints: Containing the txt files which record the Manually labeled points.
RawVideos: Containing the raw videos which have been used for points picking.
ResultVideos: Containing the videos from RawVideos with outputs like rectangles and FPS on the screen.
src: Containing some videos for test.
And here are some the descriptions of our programs.
main.py: The main file.
SamBox.py: The class of sample box.
Kalman.py: The class of Kalman filter.
pickHSV.py: The class of HSV picker for the objects to track.
show.py: For data labeling.
mean_square_root.py: For error caculating.
1d6da75 (后续修改的)