This repo contains a Memcached implementation with JavaScript. It listens for new connections on a given TCP port. You can find the part of the protocol implemented here. The full protocol can be found in the references at the end of this document.
Note: This only a little piece of the Memcached protocol.
Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering.
You can find more about Memcached in the references at the end of this document.
- Nodejs version >= 12.16.1 LTS
- ms: This package is used for handling with time using friendly time formats.
- dotenv: This package is used to read environment variables.
- Jest: This package is used for unit testing the software.
- uuid: This package is used to generate random and unique strings for the casUnique key.
In order to start the server you will have to run the following commands in your console:
$ git clone
$ cd memcached-nodejs
$ npm i
Now you will have to create a .env
file at the root of the memcached server folder indicating the TCP port
SERVER_DOMAIN = localhost
As default, if the server doesn't receive the port
through the .env
file, it will use 8080
After everything is seted up, you just have to run npm start
at the root of the project and the server is going to listen requests at the given port.
These are two ways to use the server, throught command line or with the client. Here you will be examples to use both.
When you have started the server, it will listen any connection through the setted up TCP port
. You can use it through the command line using the following command:
$ printf "set myKey 0 300 4 [noreply]\r\ndata\r\n" | nc localhost 8080
There is a simple TCP client to send operations to the server. This is how you can use it:
const TCPClient = require('./utils/client')
const { PORT } = require('./src/assets/config');
const client = new TCPClient(PORT, 'localhost');
client.sendOperation('set key 0 0 4 [noreply]\r\ndata\r\n');
client.sendOperation('add key2 0 0 4\r\ndata\r\n');
It will simply log the server response.
You can check the available commands and usage here.
The Memcached logical functions and the parser for the client's input have a set of Unit tests made with Jest. In order to run the tests you have to run npm test
at the root
of the project's folder.
Memcached's official webpage:
JavaScript documentation style guide:
JavaScript namin conventions:
LRU Cache:
TCP Server:
The full protocol specification:
Jest cheatsheet: