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Frequently Asked Questions

Tim van der Lippe edited this page Jun 4, 2017 · 14 revisions

Below you can find a number of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the labwork of TI1706 - Softwarequality and Testing.

How do I contact the Teaching Team?

We use Slack for all communication.

  • If you have a problem with DevHub, use the channel #dev-the-hub
  • If you have a general question about the assignment, use the channel #general
  • If you have a specific question, ask in #general for help. A TA will reach out to you as soon as we can. Do not message TA's directly. Do not post (partial) solutions in a public channel. That is considered fraud.

How do I generate a pdf from markdown?


Upload your markdown and download pdf.


Install Markdown PDF

ext install markdown-pdf


Install Markdown PDF

Using the commandline
  • Install pandoc (
  • Install xelatex (
  • Open (Git) Bash
  • Make sure that both pandoc and xelatex are reachable via the command line. You can check this by running which pandoc and which xelatex respectively.
    • If one or both commands did not return a path spec, you need to edit your PATH environment variable. Search for "Edit environment variable", select PATH, add a new path with new and then select the folder in which you installed these tools
  • Go to the directory that contains your markdown file
  • Execute pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex -o report.pdf

Is attending the lab compulsory?

No, it is not. You do need to hand in your work with your partner though, in order to get feedback from the TAs, before you submit your final version of each part. However to get quick answers to your questions, it is highly recommended to come by the lab.

Why can't I login to devhub?

Are you sure you are using the right netid/password combination? If yes, first try to login to the TUDelft Password server: If so and the problem persists try and see if a password reset helps.

Is it necessary to send an email about the group you're in?

No, this will be automatically registered on DevHub.

SSH authentication doesn't work

Double check that you did not forget to add the ssh key to the authentication agent and thus are unable to authenticate with the server. Adding the key is done with:

 ssh-add ./path/token

One of the signs that you forgot this, is that git asks you for a password.

On windows in git bash:

eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

For more information please check:

Which Java Version do I need?

As specified in the pom.xml, the minimum requirement is Java 1.8

My Eclipse Project is Full of Compile Errors

Note: this is only applicable if you are using Eclipse

Did you import your project as a maven project?

If not, enable this via:

Window -> Configure -> Convert to Maven Project

Maven reports that it can't find Javadoc on my Mac

  1. Add export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) to your ~/.bash_profile file.
  2. Find the following line in jpacman-framework/pom.xml: <>UTF-8</> Add the following line after the line you just found: <javadocExecutable>${java.home}/../bin/javadoc</javadocExecutable>

I can't get SourceTree to work

If SourceTree complains that the git url is not a repository: make sure that the SSH-key is set up correctly. Furthermore the key should be referenced in Tools -> Options -> General -> SSH Client Configuration and the specified SSH client should be OpenSSH.

Also see "Generating SSH keys"

Eclipse is Complaining about missing a JDK

Double check you have a JDK installed.

Your Eclipse should know about this JDK. You can specifically set the location Eclipse via:

(Windows) -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs

Devhub reports a compilation error on a userstory

An example compilation error is:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project stqe-lab-group-XX: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /home/tim/Projects/software-quality-and-testing/group-XX/src/test/java/e2e/features/suspend/[20,8] class userStory4 is public, should be declared in a file named

This means that the userStory4.feature file is empty and not committed. Commit a file with correct contents to resolve this issue.