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SD Gopher Challenge for March.

WIFI: TinyFactoryGuest

PW: TinyFactory1043

Welcome to March's challenge. For this challenge head over to, fork the repo and start hacking. For discussions and questions please visit

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Let's play battleship.

Your challenge is to build a battleship game that a user can play against the computer. This challenge will have several levels. However, we expect most people to only complete defcon 1 level. The other levels are for those who have the time, or want to expand upon the challenge outside of the meeting.

Defcon 1:

Build a battleship game with the following rules.

  1. The game will be build for the terminal.
  2. A user will play against the computer.
  3. The computer will place five (5) ships ( out of the six (6) ships available — choosen at random ) on a sixteen by sixteen (16x16) board. The ships can only be place horizontally or vertically; ships can not be placed diagonally. Ships may not intersect each other. These ships are:
  4. Aircraft Carrier — which will take up five (5) contiguous spots.
  5. Battleship — which will take up four (4) contiguous spots.
  6. Submarine — which will take up three (3) contiguous spots.
  7. Destroyer — which will take up three (3) contiguous spots.
  8. Cruiser — which will take up three (3) contiguous spots.
  9. Patrol Boat — which will take up two (2) contiguous spots.
  10. The player will be given six (6) rounds to sink all the computers ships.
  11. Each round will consist of the player entering in five (5) different spots.
  12. After all five (5) locations have been entered the computer will let the player know which shots (if any) hit ships, and which ships the player managed to sink. Granting the points associated with each ship the player managed to sink. The player will, also, lose one (1) point for each missed shot for that round.
  13. If the player manages to sink all the computers ship before the end of the sixth (6th) round, the player wins. Other wise the computer wins. Tally up the score and display it.
Ship Attributes
Aircraft Carrier520
Patrol Boat22

Defcon 2:

Let's add a simple leader board to the game.

Add the following features:

  1. Ask the player for a name, when the first starts up.
  2. Save the players score to a SQLite database, and display the last ten (10) high scores, at the end of each game.

You can use the sqlite3 driver for go.

Defcon 3:

Let's add fancy graphics. Using termbox, termui or gocui add some cool ansi graphics to the game.

  1. Draw the board, and refresh it instead of redrawing it everytime.
  2. Bonus Allow the user to enter in the coordinates using the mouse.

Defcon 4:

Allowing others to play our game from afar.

Using the ssh library create a server that allows people to ssh into the game to play it. If the system has not seen their key before it should ask them for their name, otherwise it should remember who the player is.

Here is an gist on a chat server creating using the ssh_library.

Defcon 5:

Let's allow people to play againt each other.

  1. Enable multiplayer support. Allow people ssh'd into your server to play against each other, create game, and see games that are going on.


The Challenge Problem for March's meeting.







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