L'objectif de ce projet est de remonter sur ThingSpeak les valeurs des sondes de température d'un ECH210BDT ainsi que le % d'humidité ambiant a partir d'un ESP8266.
Aim of the project is to broadcast on Thingspeak ECH210BD temperature probes and humidity level using a ESP8266.
Première version fonctionnelle. Les reglages sont codés dans le code source. 2 configurations doivent etre défini, La connection WIFI La connection ThingSpeak Ces 2 configuration se trouve dans le fichier secrets.h
first full fonctional release. Setting are hardcoded 2 settings must be defined The WIFI connection The Thingspeak account
- NtpClientLib by German Martin version 2.5.1
- DHT sensor library for ESPx by beegee_tokyo version 1.17.0
- ThingSpeak by MathWorks Version 1.5.0
- ESP8266 by ESP8266 community version 2.5.2
The present source code was validated on a NodeMcu v3 board and a DHT022 sensor.
Update secrets.h with your values,
- ech210BAddress is the address of your ECH module modbus configuration
- ssid is your WIFI network name
- password is the password to be used to connect your WIFI
- myChannelNumber is the thinkspeak Channel ID
- myWriteAPIKey is the thingspeak "Write API Key" of your channel
Create an acount on https://thingspeak.com/users/sign_up
Setup a channel with following 8 fields
- Field 1 RSSI
- Field 2 Humidity
- Field 3 Temperature
- Field 4 SD1
- Field 5 SD2
- Field 6 SD3
- Field 7 SD4
- Field 8 D0
Setup 24h graph
% Channel ID to read data from
readChannelID = XXXXXXXX;
SD3FieldID = 6;
SD4FieldID = 7;
TemperatureFieldID = 3;
SD1FieldID = 4;
SD2FieldID = 5;
HumidityFieldID = 2;
% Read Data.
[data, timeStamps] = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID, 'Fields',[SD1FieldID, SD2FieldID, SD3FieldID, SD4FieldID,TemperatureFieldID,HumidityFieldID], ...
'NumDays', 1);
% Format data.
temperatureData = data(:, 5)/10;
humidityData = data(:, 6)/10;
SD4Data = data(:, 4)/10;
SD3Data = data(:, 3)/10;
SD2Data = data(:, 2)/10;
SD1Data = data(:, 1)/10;
% Visualize Data
yyaxis left
plot(timeStamps, temperatureData,'-k',timeStamps, SD3Data,'-g',timeStamps, SD4Data,'-c',timeStamps, SD1Data, '-b',timeStamps, SD2Data, '-r');
ylabel('T °c');
yyaxis right
plot(timeStamps, humidityData,':r');
legend({'Text'; 'SD3'; 'SD4'; 'SD1'; 'SD2';'Hext'},'Location','southwest','NumColumns',1);