WebInterface to read ECH210B PAC controler
First release.
- all readable register could be read,
- a set of register could be get together
- data could be read on demand or schedule to get it quicker
- NtpClientLib by German Martin version 2.5.1
- DHT sensor library for ESPx by beegee_tokyo version 1.17.0
- ThingSpeak by MathWorks Version 1.5.0
- ESP8266 by ESP8266 community version 2.5.2
The present source code was validated on a NodeMcu v3 board.
You will have to update config.h file to setup Serial pin and Force setup pin. by default
- MODBUS RX_PIN is 13 and TX_PIN is 14
- The force settings pin is 12.
To entrer setup mode, Setup pin should be set to GND and then restart the module. If no setup as been perform, no need use Setup Pin, module will switch automaticaly to setup mode
In setup mode, module is configured as Access Point.
Using your mobile phone, connect to the AP called "echmonitor", password is "password" then connect to and you will get a setup page.
You can setup:
- your WiFi SSID
- your WiFi password
- the Modbus id of your ECH210B module
- the pulling period of data reading
- the hostname of the module once connected to your WiFi
This page present in an accordion a set of ECH210B register grouped by themes
- Direct access to ECH210b register Request Http GET http:///register?addr=
GET /register?addr=1135 HTTP/1.1
cache-controle: no-cache
Content-Type: text/plain
240 (register value as text string)
- Access to ECH210b registers
Request Http GET http:///register
GET /register HTTP/1.1
cache-controle: no-cache
Content-Type →application/json; charset=utf-8
status": {
"CTN": "true", "POWER": "false", "STATE": "cool"
"inputs": {
"AI1": " 24.0", "AI2": " 29.5", "AI3": " -0.5", "AI4": " 6.5", "DI_COMPRESSOR": "ON", "DI_BOILER": "ON", "DI_PUMP": "ON", "DI_WARMCOOL": "ON", "DI_ONOFFSTANDBY": "OFF"
"outputs": {
"RL1": "OFF", "RL2": "OFF", "RL3": "OFF", "RL4": "OFF", "FanSpeed": "UNKNOWN"
"alarms": {