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A generic Kubernetes admission webhook implementation framework


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Kubernetes Admission Webhook Runtime

REUSE status

About this project

This repository contains a generic Kubernetes admission webhook implementation framework.

Consumers implement one or all of the following parameterized interfaces:

// Validating webhook interface.
type ValidatingWebhook[T runtime.Object] interface {
	ValidateCreate(ctx context.Context, obj T) error
	ValidateUpdate(ctx context.Context, oldObj T, newObj T) error
	ValidateDelete(ctx context.Context, obj T) error

// Mutating webhook interface.
type MutatingWebhook[T runtime.Object] interface {
	MutateCreate(ctx context.Context, obj T) error
	MutateUpdate(ctx context.Context, oldObj T, newObj T) error

Two sorts of webhooks are supported:

  • Specific (typed) webhooks

    A specific webhook is one which handles exactly one resource type (such as corev1.Pod). Using go's new generics concept allows the implementation of such webhooks to be strongly typed, such as:

    type PodWebhook struct{}
    func (w *PodWebhook) MutateCreate(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod) error {
        // do the mutation (creation case); just modify the passed pod object ...
        // returning errors will result in rejection of the api request
        return nil
    func (w *PodWebhook) MutateUpdate(ctx context.Context, oldPod *corev1.Pod, newPod *corev1.Pod) error {
        // do the mutation (update case); just modify the passed pod object ...
        // returning errors will result in rejection of the api request
        return nil

    (notice the usage of *corev1.Pod in the method signatures).

    The according webhooks can then be reached at /<group>/<version>/<kind>/validate and /<group>/<version>/<kind>/mutate, respectively (where the parts are all lower case).

    A minimal but working implementation can be found here.

    Registrations (that is ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, MutatingWebhookConfiguration objects) for such typed webhooks must list exactly one API version in their matching rules (fitting the go type which the webhook defined for; in the above example: corev1.Pod). Such as:

    kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
      name: pod-admission
    - admissionReviewVersions:
      # ...
      - apiGroups:
        - ""
        - v1
        - CREATE
        - UPDATE
        - pods
      sideEffects: None
  • Generic (untyped) webhooks

    Other than a typed webhook, a generic webhook can handle multiple resource types. This is achieved by either using an interface including runtime.Object, or *unstructured.Unstructured as a type parameter, such as:

    type GenericWebhook struct{}
    func (w *GenericWebhook) MutateCreate(ctx context.Context, obj.runtime.Object) error {
        // do the mutation (creation case); just modify the passed object ...
        // returning errors will result in rejection of the api request
        return nil
    func (w *GenericWebhook) MutateUpdate(ctx context.Context, oldObj runtime.Object, newObj runtime.Object) error {
        // do the mutation (update case); just modify the passed object ...
        // returning errors will result in rejection of the api request
        return nil

    The according webhooks can then be reached at /generic/validate and /generic/mutate, respectively. Note that this obviously implies that there cannot be more than one generic validating and one mutating webhook registered.

    A minimal but working implementation can be found here.

    A registration of such a webhook could look like this:

    kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
      name: generic-admission
    - admissionReviewVersions:
      # ...
      - apiGroups:
        - "*"
        - "*"
        - CREATE
        - UPDATE
        - "*"
      sideEffects: None


The API reference is here:

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Copyright 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and admission-webhook-runtime contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.