Releases: SAILResearch/suppmaterial-20-mpacheco-ethereum_tx_time_interpretation
Releases · SAILResearch/suppmaterial-20-mpacheco-ethereum_tx_time_interpretation
Supplementary Material V2
Supplementary Material for "What makes Ethereum blockchain transactions be processed fast or slow? An empirical study". The files are described as follows:
1. "etherscan_confirm_times.csv": A CSV file containing all transactions used in our study, along with the confirmation time pulled from Etherscan, and the processing time converted into seconds and minutes. This file contains the following columns:
- tx_hash: The unique identifier of the transaction, the transaction hash (e.g., "0x4ee98a62056bcf6565f7f33e90de63d75e39eb5ddc978286092d23b803514248").
- confirmed_time_text: The confirmation time pulled directly from Etherscan (e.g., "Confirmed within 30 secs")
- pr_time_secs: The processing time parsed from the "confirmed_time_text" column and converted into seconds (e.g., 30.0).
- pr_time_mins: The processing time parsed from the "confirmed_time_text" column and converted into minutes(e.g., 0.5).
2. "transactions_and_block_info.csv": A CSV file containing all transactions and block-related information used to generate the sampled dataset of our study. This file contains the following columns:
- tx_hash: The unique identifier of the transaction, the transaction hash (e.g., "0x4ee98a62056bcf6565f7f33e90de63d75e39eb5ddc978286092d23b803514248").
- block_number: The block the transaction belongs to (e.g., 11089583)
- block_timestamp: The timestamp the block was appended to the blockchain (e.g., 2020-10-19 23:50:46+00:00)
- day_amount_sampled: The amount of blocks sampled for that specific day, using a 95% confidence level and ± 5 confidence interval (e.g., 363)
- day_total_blocks: The total amount of blocks appended to the blockchain for that specific day (e.g., 6462)
Supplementary Material V1
suppmaterial-v1 Initial commit