C language project created to manage songs and their attributes (artist, release year, genre etc.) [Semester Project]
The program is designed to store data of songs in a database. For each entry the program can store the following data: title of the song, name of the performer (singer or group), title of the album it was released on, year of release, genre of the music (rock, pop, hip-hop, jazz, classical, etc.), length of song (in minutes and seconds).
Simply run "songs.exe" executable file, and follow on-screen instructions.
The program is be capable of following functions:
- load existing database into memory.
- add new song entry to the database.
- save the database into a file.
- display all songs of a user selected artist.
- display all details of the songs of a user selected album.
- list all songs that were released in a user selected year.
- list all songs of a user selected genre.
- output the whole database.
For detailed instructions, refer to Users' Manual and Developers Documentation