Booked PHP API Client Library v0.2.99 Alpha by
This is a simple to use PHP client/wrapper library to be used with Booked (formerly phpScheduleIt) RESTful API by found at Booked Home
This library has been rewritten and has some work to be done. However this is a prerelease to get everyone excited. Please report any bugs or suggestions to
This project started as a way for me to design a customized Rental Booking System for a place I worked for in the past. I hope it is useful to someone.
- You must have PHP 5.6 or higher and you must have CURL installed. No other dependencies are required (Except for Booked)
1st - You need to edit the booked-api-config.php file so that your booked web services URL points to your Booked API (Usually Make sure to change the Time Zone const to match yours. Then save the file:
const BOOKEDWEBSERVICESURL = ‘http://your-domain/booked/web/services/index.php’;
const YOURTIMEZONE = 'your time zone';
If you run into trouble, first try visiting your Booked API web URL. If Booked is configured correctly you will see the API documentation page. The URL is If you get an error or can't see the page, you must fix your Booked configuration, otherwise this client will not work.
To test this client simply run the included test.php file. You will see a few of the API calls return some of your data.
require_once(‘path to file/bookedapi.php’);
Open and study the test.php for an example of how to make your own calls. I will be making more in depth documentation when time allows