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Background and Overview

Tetris is a classic tile-based video game that has since evolved into more high-speed and feature-filled versions. However, the initial foundations are still there.

  • game pieces, or "tetriminoes", are randomly dropped onto a grid-based board
  • lines are cleared by complete filling a row
  • player loses when pieces fill up to the top of the field


  • Start, pause, and restart
  • Play against local opponent
  • View upcoming pieces
  • View ghost piece of current piece (to show possible placements)


  • Vanilla JavaScript to simulate piece movement and overall game logic
  • Webpack to bundle various and execute scripts

Example Code


The 'field' that sets the foundation for the whole game is a 10x20 2D array, corresponding with a 10x20 grid made of ULs on the DOM:

generateField() {
    let field = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        let row = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
    return field;

As pieces move, instance methods allow them to populate the field with their respective color codes, also removing the color codes from their previous positions:

populateField(field) {
    let coordinateArrays = [, ...this.position.middle, ...this.position.bottom];

    coordinateArrays.forEach(array => {
        let [row, col] = [array[0], array[1]];
        if ((col >= 0 && col <= 19) && (row >= 0 && row <= 19)) field[row][col] = this.colorCode;

    this.removeSquares.forEach(positionArray => {
        let [row, col] = [positionArray[0], positionArray[1]];
        if ((col >= 0 && col <= 19) && (row >= 0 && row <= 19)) field[row][col] = 0;

The field instance then calls its render method to manipulate the DOM based on the 2D array and its values:

render() {
    let fieldColumns = document.querySelectorAll(`.field-column.field-${this.gameNum}`);
    this.field.forEach((row, rowIdx) => {
        row.forEach((__, colIdx) => {
            let squareValue = this.field[rowIdx][colIdx];
            if (squareValue === 'x') {
            } else if (squareValue) {
            } else {
                fieldColumns[colIdx].children[rowIdx].classList = "";

Future Implementations

  • Connect with communications protocol such as WebSocket to allow online multiplayer


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