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Program counter: is an index into the code, which says where the program is executing right now.
What is a Cloud?
There are two kinds of clouds, a single-site cloud or a geo-distributed or geographically distributed cloud. A single-site cloud, known as a Datacenter often, consists of the following components, of course, it have been source of servers or compute nodes, these are grouped into racks, a rack as a unit of several servers which typically share the same power and often share a top of the rack switch. This top of the rack switches are often connected via a network topology.
Examples :
Distributed grep: input: large set of files; output: lines that matches the pattern
Reverse Web-link graph: Map: process web log and for each input <source, target>, output <target, source>; reduce: emits <target, list>
Count of URL access frequency: input: Log of accessed URL from proxy server; output: for each URL, calculate % total access from that URL.
Parallelize Map: each map task is independent of each other. All Map output records with same key assigned to same reduce
Transfer data from Map to Reduce: All Map output records with same key assigned to same reduce task; use partitioning function. e.g.hash(key)%number of reducers
Parallelize reduce: each reduce task is independent of the other
Implement Storage for Map input, output; Reduce input, output:
map input: from distributed file system
map output to local disk (at Map Node): uses local file system
reduce input: from (multiple) remote disks; uses local file systems
reduce output: to distributed file system
local file system: Linux, etc. distributed file system = GFS (Google File System), HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
The Yarn Scheduler
Used in Hadoop 2.x+
YARN = Yet Another Resource Negotiator
Treats each server as a collection of containers: container = some CPU + some memory
Has 3 main components:
Global Resource Manager (RM): Scheduling
Per-server Node Manager (NM): Daemon and server-specific functions
Per-application (job) Application Master (AM): Container negotiation with RM and NMs; Detecting task failures of that job
Fault Tolerance
Server Failure: NM heartbeats to RM: If server fails, RM lets all affected AMs know, and AMs take action; NM keeps track of each task running at its server: if task fails while in-progress. mark the task as idle and restart it; AM heartbeats to RM: On failure, RM restarts AM, which then syncs up with its running tasks
RM Failure: Use old checkpoints and bring up secondary RM; Hearbeats also used to piggyback container requests, avoid extra messages
Straggers (slow node)
The slowest machine slows the entire job down, due to bad disk, network bandwidth, CPU, memory.
Perform backup (replicated) execution of straggler task: task considered done when first replica complete. Called Speculative Execution.
Since Cloud has hierarchical topology, GFS/HDFS stores 3 replicas of each chunks: maybe on different racks: 2 on a rack, 1 on a different rack; MapReduce attempts to schedule a map task on:
a machine that contains a replica of corresponding input data, or failing that
on the same rack as a mahcine containing the input, or failing that
MapReduce uses parallelization + aggregation to schedule applications across cluster; need to deal with failure
Within a particular group of nodes or group of processes, you have a piece of information that you want to send out the entire network where everyone, all the computers or all the nodes on the network want to receive that piece of information.
The multicast protocol typically sits at the application level, meaning that it does not deal with the underlying network. The application level multicast protocols also talk with the underlying network level, techniques such as IP multicast. IP multicast is what's available in the underlying network itself. This is implemented in routers and switches. It's not necessarily an attractive alternative because even though it's available it may not be enabled in many of the routers and switches, and so, most of the multicast protocols that are deployed out there today, even though some of them may leverage what-IP multicast where it's available, all of them, most of them today are application level, meaning that, they involve processes talking with each other, without really worrying about what's going on in the network underneath.
The requirements of Multicast protocol: fault tolerance and scalability
fault tolerance: nodes are failure prone, you want recipients receive their infomation
scalablity: overhead of each node won't grow rapidly as number of nodes grows into the thousands
Tree-based Multicast Protocol
Protocols develop a spanning tree among the nodes or the process in the group.
This is designed to overcome the huge overhead of the centralized approach multicast (O(n) to send information to all other recipients, high latency and average time), then using balanced tree, the latency will become O(log(n)), also the sender's overhead will become constant since every node has constant number of children. Node failure in tree struture may cause its all decendents failing, use either (ACKs) or (NAKs) to repair multicast not received (sent to the root)
SRM (Scalable Reliable Multicast): use NAKs; adds random delays, and uses exponential backoff to avoid NAK storms: (So receivers when they realize they need to send out a NACK, they don't send out the NACK immediately. They wait for a little bit of time and then they send it out. If they need to send a NACK multiple times,then they might use an exponential backoff, meaning that they, wait for a period of time that doubles every time they wait. Also, the messages that are sent out might also be subject to exponential backoff)
RMTP (Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol): use ACKs; But ACKs only sent to designated receivers, which then re-transmit missing multicasts;
NACKs and ACKs still grow linearly as the group size increase
Gossip Protocol
Each Node periodically transmit to b random target using gossip messages (UDP), others do the same after receiving multicast
Push vs. Pull
Push gossip: once you have a multicast message, you start gossiping about it; gossip a random subset of them, or recently-received ones, or higher priority ones
Pull gossip: Periodically ask and poll a few randomly selected processes for new multicast messages that you haven't received
Hybrid variant: Push-Pull model
Push based gossip protocol
Is lightweight in large groups
spreads a multicast quickly
is highly fault-tolerant
Analysis: population of (n+1), cantact rate beta, x (uninfected), y (infected)
Fault-tolerance of Push-based gossip protocol
Packet loss: if 50% packet loss (replace b with b/2), to achieve same reliability as 0% packet loss, take twice as many rounds
Node Failure: 50% of nodes fail (replace n with n/2 and b with b/2), take twice as many rounds
If the initial sender dies or early receivers die, the epidemic will die out. But it will be very hard to stop the gossip once it spread several rounds.
Spread speed between pull and push model
Topology-aware Gossip
Examples use Gossip Protocol
Cassandra key-value store: use gossip for maintaining membership; Usenet NNTP; Sensor networks
Group Membership List
Used to maintain the list of most or all of the other processes that are currently in your system and that have not yet failed.
One biggest challenge is that this membership protocol has to communicate with the unreliabe communication medium which can drop packets, delay packets quite a bit.
Three kinds of membership list style: complete; almost-complete; partial-random:
Use failure detector and dissemination mechanism to deal with process failure:
Centralized Heartbeating to detect process failure
Every process periodically send heartbeat to a server (Pj), if there is no heartbeat from the server, then it is notified as failed. However, when Pj failed, there will be no gurantee to detect the failure. Also, if the proxy group is large, Pj may overloaded with failure messages.
Ring Heartbeating
All processes are organized in a virtual ring. And every process sends heartbeats to at least one of its neighbors.
If you have multiple failures, you may have some failures go undetected.
All-to-All heartbeating
Each process sends out heartbeats to all the other processes.
Equal load per member. Also, the protocol is complete. It can detect all process failures.
However, if there is a slow server, it may delay the heartbeat and mark all other servers as failed. The rate of false positive will be high.
If the heartbeat has not increased for more than T(fail) seconds, the member is considered failed; And the member is deleted from the list after T(cleanup) seconds.
In gossip-style failure detection, we shouldn't delete the entry right after it's detected as failed. Since other process may not have deleted that entry and it may be added back.
If T(fail) and T(cleanup) increased, the fasle positive rate decreases, the detection time increases, and bandwidth required is less.
All-to-All heartbeating vs Gossip heartbeating
The All-to-All heartbeating model:
The Gossip heartbeating model:
Noticed that gossip-based heartbeating has a higher load than the all-to-all heartbeating, but it has a slightly better accuracy by using more messages.
SWIM Failure detector protocol
Process pi runs the following protocol, which runs periodically every T prime time units, that's called the Protocol period. The beginning of the Protocol period it picks one other process at random, wa-call that process pj, and sends it a ping message. If the process pj receives a ping messages, it responds back with a ack message immediately. If pi receives this ack then, it does nothing else for the remainder of the Protocol period, it's satisfied. However, if it does not hear back an acknowledgement, which might happen if the acknowledgement is dropped or the original ping is dropped. Then, it tries to ping pj again, but, instead of using the direct path, it uses indirect path. It does this by sending indirect pings to K other randomly selected processes. This, third process is one of them. When it receives this indirect ping, it then sends a direct ping, uh, to pj, which responds back with an acknowledgement, and then, uh, a direct acknowledgement, and then the third process sends an indirect acknowledgement back to pi. If pi receives at least one such indirect acknowledgement, by the end of the protocol, uh, period, uh, then, uh, it is happy and is satisfied. If it does not receive either, direct acknowledgement from the beginning or any indirect acknowledgements then, it marks pj as having failed.
Zero extra messages: Piggyback on Failure Detector messages
Suspicion mechanism:
False Detections, due to: Perturbed processes, Packet losses, e.g., from congestion
Indirect pinging may not solve the problem: e.g., correlated message losses near pinged host
Key: suspect a process before declaring it as failed in the group
Failures the norm, not the exception in datacenters; Every distributed system uses a failure detector; Many distributed systems uses a membership service;
Ring failure detection underlies(IBM SP2 and many other similar cluster/machines)
Gossip-style failure detection underlies(Amazon EC2/S3)
P2P System
Connect to Napster server: upload list of music files that you want to share; Server maintains list of <filename, ip_address, portnum> tuples. Server stores no files.
Search: send server keywords to search with, server search its list with keywords, server returns a list of hosts <ip_address, portnum> tuples to client, client pings each host in the list to find transfer rates, client fetches file from best host
All communication uses TCP, since it's reliable and ordered networking protocol.
* server use ternary tree algorithm to search their lists, ternary tree is a sorted dictionary.
Join a P2P system
send an http request to well-know url for that P2P service
Messages routed (after lookup in DNS=Domain Name system) to introducer, a well known server that keeps track of some recently joined nodes in p2p system
Introducer initializes new peers' neigjbor table
Problems for Napster System
Centralzied server a source of congestion
Centralized server single point of failure
No security: plaintext messages and passwords
Eliminate the servers
Client machines search and retrieve amongst themsevlves
Client act as servers too, called servents
Originial design underwent several modifications
Avoid excessive traffic in Gnutella searching
Each peer maintains a list of recently received messages
Query forwarded to all neighbors except peer from which received
Each Query (identified by DescriptionID) forwarded only once
QueryHit routed back only to peer from which Query received with same DescriptorID
For flooded messages, duplicates with same DescriptorID and Payload descriptor are dropped
QueryHit with DescriptorID for which Query not seen is dropped
After receiving QueryHit messages
Dealing with firewall && Push request
Firewall can prevent information for getting in, but can't prevent it from going out.
If the responder is behind a firewall, requestor can not make it way to responder. We use Push messages. Gnutella uses its overlay links themselves, these edges in the overlay are already set up, they are already set up TCP connections among the peers. So you can route whatever messages you want using these links, and so that's what the Gnutella requesting peer does.
Hybrid between Gnutella & Napster
Takes advantage of healthier participants in the system
Underlying technology in Kazaa, kazaalite, grokster
proprietary protocol, but some details availble
Like Gnutella, but with some peers designated as SUPERNODES
super nodes stores a dir listing a subset of nearby (<file name, peer pointer>), similar to Napster server
super node membership changes overtime
Any peer can become & stay a supernode, provided it has earned enough REPUTATION:
Kazaalite: participation level (=reputation) of a user between 0 & 1000, initially 10, then affected by length of period of connectivity & total# of uploads
More sophisticated Reputation schemes invented, esp based on economics (p2pEcon workshop)
A peer searches by contacting a nearby supernode // results in low n/w traffic
Incentivises peers to participate in the system
Notion of TRACKERS - one tracker per file
peer wanting to join finds the tracker - '.torrent' file
tracker maintains a list of some of the peers currently transferring that file // it does so by recving HB from peers
peers are of 2 types:
seeds // have full file
leecher // have some blobs from the file
file is typically split into blobs of 32KB-256KB
'download LOCAL RAREST FIRST block' policy: prefer early to download of blocks that are least replicated among neighbors
Exception: new node allowed to pick one random neighbor, helps in bootstrapping
Tit-for-tat BW usage: provide blocks to neighbors that provided it the best download rates
Incentives for nodes to provide good download rates
seeds do the same
Choking: Limit # of nighbors to which concurrent uploads <= x (say x=5) ie the best neighbors
everyone else choked
periodically re-evaluate it (eg 10 sec)
Optimistic unchoke: periodically (eg 30 sec), unchoke a random neighbor // helps keep unchoked set fresh
DHT - Distributed Hash Table
A hash table allows u to insert/lookup/delete objects with keys - in O(1)
A DISTRIBUTED hash table allow u to do the same in a distributed setting (objects=files)
instead of storing objects in bucks, it stores files on different nodes
Performance concerns:
Load balancing // of nodes
Fault tolerance // node failures
Efficiency of lookups/inserts
Locality // msgs preferably t/f between near nodes
Napster, Gnutella, FastTrack are all DHTs (of sort)
So, is chord, a structured p2p system
Comparative performance:
Implementation Memory Lookup Latency #msgs for lookup
Napster O(1) @client O(1) O(1)
O(N) @server
Gnutella O(N) O(N) O(N)
Chord O(logN) O(logN) O(logN)
In Napster, server stores info about all N clients
Developed at Berkley & MIT
Intelligent choice of neighbhors to reduce latency and message cost of routing (look/inserts)
Gnutella decides neighbors on the basis on no of bytes shared
Uses consistent hashing on node's (peer's) address
SHA-1 (ip:port) -> 160 bit string // key-value
SHA-1 - Secure Hash Algorithm, a well known hashing algorithm.
O/p here is 160 bit string
Truncated to m bits
called peer-id (number b/w 0 - (2^m -1) )
Not unique but id conflicts very unlikely
can then map peers to one of the 2^m logical points on the circle
Peer pointer
Every nodes keeps pointer of the next element (when put on a circle)
can directly send msg to it
ith entry at peer with id n is 1st peer with id >= (n + 2^i) mod 2^m
For eg, for n=80, m=7, ith peer, 2^m = 128
- 0th = (80 + 2^0) mod 128 = 80 + 1 = 81 (since next peer id>81 = 96, the 0th finger table entry will be 96)
- 1st = (80 + 2^1) mod 128 = 80 + 2 = 82 (since next peer id>82 = 96, the 0th finger table entry will be 96)
- 2nd = (80 + 2^2) mod 128 = 80 + 4 = 86 (since next peer id>84 = 96, the 0th finger table entry will be 96)
What about the files?
So that's how we place nodes on the ring, but how we place the files?
File names also hashed using same consistent hash function
SHA-1(filename) -> 160 bit string (key)
File is stored at 1st peer with id >= its key(mod 2^m)
eg File that maps to key K42 is stored at 1st peer with id > 42
Note that we are considering a different file-sharing application here: COOPERATIVE WEB CACHING // where client browsers at different nodes share search results with each other
The same discussion applies to any other file sharing application, including that of mp3 files
CONSISTENT HASHING => with K keys & N peers, each peer stores O(K/N) keys (ie <c.K/N, for some constant c)
say, given points (nodes) on circle - N16, N32, N45, N80, N96, N112 & m =7
Now say N80 wants to search for '', it 1st hashes it (say to K42)
the next node near to 42 is N45 has the file
If it doesn;t have the file, then N80 fwds (via RPC) its request to its successor ie N96 which does the same thing
this helps if say N80 had some error in its finger table entry, N96 will save it.
The search algo takes O(logN) time
// assuming successor and finger table entry info is correct/updated
(intuition): at each step, distance between query & peer-with-file reduces by a factor of at least 2
Failures in chord:
Peers fail
Search under peer failures
Sol: maintain r multiple successors entries. In case of failure, use successor entries.
choosing r=2log(N) suffices to maintain lookup correctness (ie ring remains connected) with high probability
what if the node holding the copy fails?
sol: replicate the files @1 successor & predecessors
this helps in load balancing as well, since multiple nodes can now fulfill the request
Peers join/leave
this is aka CHURN
p2p systems have high rate of churn
25% per hour in Overnet (eDonkey)
100% per hour in Gnutella
Lower in managed clusters
common feature in all distributed systems, incl wide area (eg planet lab), clusters ( eg Emulab), clouds (AWS) etc
So, all the time update successors & fingers & copy keys
New peers joining:
say, queue is N16, N32, N45, N80, N96, N112 & N40 is the new node to join
N40 contacts the introducer of the group (remember from assignment ?)
introducer redirects it to N45 (& N32)
N32 updates successor to N40
N40 initializes successor to N45, and inits fingers from it
N40 periodically talks to neighbors to update finger table // a stablization runs at each node, asking neighbor nodes for their finger tables to correct its table
Some of the keys of N45 needs to be copied over to N40 (for eg K34, K38 ie file IDs between K32 to K40, since next greater node for these keys is N40, not N45 anymore)
For dealing with failures we need Failure Detectors (Heartbeats, Gossip, SWIM etc)
Stabilization Protocol:
//Concurrent peer joins, leaves, failures might cause loopiness of pointers, & failures of lookups
Chord peers periodically run a stabilization algorithm that checks and updates pointers & keys
Ensures non-loopiness of fingers, eventual success of loopkups & O(logN) lookups with high probability
Each stabilization round at a peer involves a constant number of messages
could be very high, nodes constantly joining/leaving
significant effect to consider
Eg, traces from Overnet system show hourly peer turnover rates (churn) could be 25-100% of total number of nodes in the system
Leads to excessive (unneccessary) key copying (remember keys are replicated)
Stabilization algorithm may need to consume more BW to keepup
Main issue is that files are replicated, while it might be sufficient to replicate only meta information about files
Introduce a level of indirection (any p2p system)
replicate metadata more eg Kelips
Virtual nodes:
// technique used by Chord for load-balancing
DHT Hashing can get non-uniform, which can lead to bad load balancing
Treat each node as multiple virtual nodes behaving independently, ie instead of calling giving it just one ID (say N1), give it mutiple IDs (N12, N13, N14 etc)
Each joins the system
Reduces variance of load balancing
Wrap-up Notes:
Virtual ring & consistent hashing used in Cassandra (facebook->Apache), Riak (Basho Technologies), Voldemort (linkedIn), DynamoDB (amazon) & other key-value stores
Current status of Chord project
File system (CFS, Ivy) built on top of chord
DNS lookup service built on top of chord
Internet Indirection Infrastructure (I3) project at UC Berkley
Spawned research on many interesting issues about p2p systems
Lecture 7: Pastry // p2p system born out of academia // prefix matching routing
Designed by Anthony Rowstron (Microsoft Research) & Peter Druschel (Rice University)
Assigns Ids to nodes (using consistent Hashing function), just like Chord (using a virtual ring)
LEAF SET - Each node knows its successor(s) & predecessor(s)
Routing tables (for eg used by chord to determine neighbors - (n +2^i) mode 2^m ), instead here it uses prefix matching
Think of hyper cube
Thus routing is based on pre-fix matching , and is thus log(N)
And hops (neighbor edges) are short (in the underlying n/w)
Pastry Routing:
Consider a peer with ID 01110100101
It maintains a neighbor peer with an id matching each of the following prefixes (*=starting bit differing from this peer's corresponding bit) :
... 0111010010*
When it needs to route to a peer, say 011101 1 1001, it starts by forwarding to a neighbor with the LARGEST MATCHING PREFIX, ie 011101*
This results in O(logN) routing time
Pastry Locality:
For each prefix, say 011*, among all potential neighbors with a matching prefix, the neighbor with the shortest RTT (round trip time) is selected.
Since shorter prefix have many more candidates (spread out throughout the internet), the neighbors for shorter prefixes are likely to be closer than the neighbors for longer prefixes
Thus in prefix routing, early hops are short & later hops are longer
yet overall "stretch", compared to direct Internet path, stays short
Summary of Chord & Pastry
More structured than Gnutella
Black Box lookup algorithms
Churn handling can get complex
O(logN) memory & lookup cost
O(logN) lookup hops may be high
can we reduce the # of hops?
Lecture 8: Kelips
// constant lookup costs to DHT
// It is a 1 hop Lookup DHT
it doesn't use a virtual ring, instead uses K Affinity Groups - K ~ sq root (N) // N=no of peers in the system
Each node hashed to a group (hash mod K)
Node's neighbors
almost all other nodes in its affinity group
one contact node per foreign affinity group
Kelips files & metadata
File can be stored at any (few) node(s)
Decouple file replication/location (outside Kelips) from file querying (in Kelips)
Each filename hashed to a group
All nodes in the group replicate pointer information ie ,
affinity groups does not store files
Kelips lookups:
Find file affinity group
go to your contact for the affinity group
failing that try another of your neighbors to find a contact
Lookup = 1 hop or a few // memory cost O(sq root N)
1.93 MB for 100 K nodes, 10M files
Fits in RAM of most workstations/laptops today (COTS machine) // COTS = Components Off The Shelf
Kelips soft state:
// how do you update the neighbors
Member lists
Gossip based membership
within each affinity group
and also across affinity groups
O(logN) dissemination time
File metadata
Needs to be periodically refreshed from source node
Times out
Chord Vs Pastry Vs Kelips
Range off trade off availble
Memory Vs lookup costs Vs background BW (to keep neighbors fresh)
Kelips uses more BW, but look up time is constant. Memory is sq root (N)