A minecraft bot built using PrismarineJS/mineflayer and discord.js.
A few things to setup before the bot can be used.
Create a config.json file in the root directory.
Inside the file add this and fill in the values accordingly.
Note: If you want to command the bot via minecraft chat, just don't include the discord token in the config file.
"botUsername": "<value>",
"botPassword": "<value>",
"server": "<value>",
"serverPort": <value>,
"discordToken": "<value>",
"discordPrefix": "<value>"
Commands can be either handled through a discord channel or through normal minecraft chat.
Generic commands.
1. Help
Command name: help
Usage: help <command name>
Description: Tells you how to use a command
2. Ping
Command name: ping
Usage: ping
Description: Pong!
3. Pong
Command name : pong
Usage: pong
Description: Ping!
4. Reload
Command name: reload
Usage: reload <command name>
Description: Used for rapid prototyping of commands during development
Commands for the minecraft bot.
1. Attack
Command name: attack
Usage: attack <mob name> <radius>
Description: Start attacking specified mobs in a radius
2. Chat
Command name: chat
Usage: chat <message>
Description: Makes the bot type something in chat
3. Defend
Command name: defend
Usage: defend <username> <radius>
Description: Start defending the player from mobs
4. Equip
Command name: equip
Usage: equip <item name> / <item name> <helmet,chestplate,leggings,boots,right, left>
Description: equips a specified equipment
5. Face
Command name: face
Usage: face <username>
Description: Turn and face the direction of a certain player
6. Farm
Command name: farm
Usage: farm <plant> <radius>
Description: Farm a specified plant that has seeds to replant
7. Fish
Command name: fish
Usage: fish
Description: Start fishing in the current direction
8. Follow
Command name: follow
Usage: follow <username>
Description: Start following a specified player
9. Go to
Command name: goto
Usage: goto <username>
Description: Go to where a player is
10. Dance (WIP)
Command name: dance
Usage: dance
Description: Start dancing?
11. Look at
Command name: lookAt
Usage: lookAt <username>
Description: Looks at the block a player is standing on. Handy when you want to use the "fish" command
12. Mine
Command name: mine
Usage: mine <block> <radius>
Description: Search and dig up a block within a specified radius of the bot
13. Quit
Command name: quit
Usage: quit
Description: Quit the minecraft server
14. Toss
Command name: toss
Usage: toss <item> <amount>
Description: Toss an item from inventory
15. Unequip
Command name: unequip
Usage: unequip <helmet,chestplate,leggings,boots,right, left>
Description: unequip whatever is equipped at the destination
- Make the bot into a exe.
- Allow us to see what the bot sees.
- More complex automations?