Rug's Rougelike Engine
Thanks to: TStand90 for their excellent libcotd tutorial, plus the authors of libcotd, pygame (for sound) and easing-functions python libraries
- Raycasting for visible tiles
- Visible and remembered tiles colored nicely
- Full lighting support with flame flickering effect
- Inventory and levelling system
- Equipment, spell scrolls, potions
- Background Music
- Skill Trees
- Tile inspector
- Saving and loading allows for continuing runs later - game autosaves on program exit
- Permadeath: save is deleted upon death
- wasd/arrow keys for movement
- numpad also supported - allows diagonal movement
- space bar to wait in place
- 'i' to view inventory
- shift + 'i' to inspect an item in inventory
- 'p' to drop an item
- 'c' to inspect character stats and check xp
- 'v' to view message history
- '>' to go down stairs (must be standing on stairs) (shift + '.' or on danish keyboard shift + '<')
- 'g' to pick up item (must be standing on item)
- '/' or '-' to inspect objects (control cursor with wasd/arrow keys)
- 'j' to open skills menu
- enter to select menu item/tile
- 'esc' to quit (game saved automatically)
Debug Commands (Cheating!)
Debug commands must be turned on in options screen from the main menu to work.- 'o' makes the player confused for 10 turns. Used for testing ai-replacing spells on the player
- 'l' instant reveals the map
- 'k' teleports to selected tile
- ',' (comma) levels up the player
- '.' (period) gives the player 99 skill points