spaCy Public
Forked from explosion/spaCy💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2023 -
awesome-chatgpt Public
Forked from humanloop/awesome-chatgptCurated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3
UpdatedJun 10, 2023 -
sharegpt Public
Forked from domeccleston/sharegptEasily share permanent links to ChatGPT conversations with your friends
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2023 -
react-input-calendar Public archive
sinatra Public
Forked from sinatra/sinatraClassy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)
workbox Public
Forked from GoogleChrome/workbox📦 Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps
rushstack Public
Forked from microsoft/rushstackMonorepo for tools developed by the Rush Stack community
vx Public
Forked from airbnb/visx🐯react + d3 = vx | visualization components
js-cookie Public
Forked from js-cookie/js-cookieA simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
reason-react-quick-start Public
Forked from glennsl/reason-react-quick-startQuick start guide for Reason-React
js-module-boilerplate Public
Boilerplate for the JS modules
react-select Public
Forked from JedWatson/react-selectA Select control built with and for React JS
socket.io Public
Forked from socketio/socket.ioRealtime application framework (Node.JS server)
picnic Public
Forked from franciscop/picnicCSS base to develop upon
react-meteor Public
Forked from facebookarchive/react-meteorReact rendering for Meteor apps
nodejs-vksdk Public
Forked from 57uff3r/nodejs-vksdkNodeJS SDK for vk.com
ng-table Public
Forked from esvit/ng-tableSimple table with sorting and filtering on AngularJS
helenus Public
Forked from simplereach/helenusNodeJS Cassandra Driver
yac2013 Public
Forked from yandex-cs/yac2013Конкурс по ускорению отрисовки страницы
bitstarter Public
Forked from heroku/node-js-sampleThis is a barebones Node.js app using the Express framework.