This is a quick Docker 101 course with tasks. The Live folder is just a live demo i made to present before making the students perform the tasks
/Live is Java with dropwizared in docker /SimpleNancy is C# in docker /nodedock is node in docker /springboot is Java with springboot in docker
- OSX/Windows: download docker-toolbox (docker, docker-compose, virtualbox)
- Install node,java,.net, or a language you would like to work with
Download code: git clone
Create a docker machine
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox myDocker
docker-machine env myDocker
eval $(docker-machine env myDocker)
run docker-machine ip
and note your ip-address!
#####Get to know docker: Create a dockerfile, build a docker imageand start a container.
3 different webapps is created in different languages, dockerize as many as you can. All of them has a solutions folder, this is a dockerfile which can be used in futher in task2.
Springboot (Java)
cd springboot mvn install java -jar target/springboot-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar curl mot localhost:8081/ping (or use your browser browser)
NodeDock (Node)
cd nodeDock npm install node nodeapp.js curl localhost:8082/ping (or use your browser browser)
SimpleNancy (.NET , created just as showcase, to show .net in docker and linux)
Build and run it the .net way curl localhost:8082/ping
all web appliacations has a solutions folder. Please take a peak there if you are stuck
Go to /dockerdag, and look at docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up
curl localhost:8081/count (or use your browser browser)
Try to complete the docker-compose.yml!
(PS. please use dockerfile in solutions, if you have not completed them yourself)
DO you have your own project you want to dockerize??
Do you want to test you docker in the cloud?
Play with docker!