This is a miniJAVA compiler for the MIPS platform for the compiler class (CS453) taught at Colorado State University by Dr. Pouchet. This compiler uses the vapor programming language as an intermediate representation and does incremental lowering to vapor-M and finally to MIPS assembly. This compiler only supports printing of integer values to screen, printing of strings are not supported.
The following table shows the class average and my score for each of the four homeworks/modules used in the compiler project.
Class Average | My Score | |
HW2 | 87.0 | 97 |
HW3 | 56.5 | 95 |
HW4 | 45.3 | 91 |
HW5 | 45.1 | 100 |
The Backus–Naur form of the minijava programming language can be found here. Documentation relating to the MiniJava type system can be found here.
This project is separated into five modules, where each module does incremental lowering of the original miniJava program. The reason this is done is because it is very difficult and more error prone to directly translate an object -oriented programming language such as miniJava with high level constructs such as function overriding and inheritance into assembly. As a result we use the strategy of incremental lowering though the use of the visitor design pattern to translate a miniJava program into assembly. The flowchart for the project layout is slown below:
The typechecking system is responsible for making sure that all types in the user input minJava program is valid, and
that the compiler during later steps of code generation does not do invalid implicit type conversion. This system is
also responsible for checking for circular inheritance. All of this is done through the use of a hierarchical
scoped symbol table and the visitor design pattern. If this system encounters a program that fails to typecheck, a
Type error
message is printed to stdout, else the control is passed to the Vapor IR code generation system.
The Vapor IR code generation system is responsible for translating a valid miniJava program that typechecks into its equivalent Vapor intermediate representation. The Vapor IR code generation system is responsible for doing one way implicit type casting and function overriding. To accomplish the generation of Vapor IR code, this system also uses a symbol table that is different from the symbol table in the Typechecking system. The difference in the symbol table is in the binding information of the symbols. The binding information of symbols in this symbol table contains three fields: type name, offset, and scope as opposed to two fields in the Typechecking system. This module is also responsible for creating the memory layout of the user input miniJava program. Advantages of incremental lowering to Vapor IR is that it is closer to assembly, but still does not fully impose the constraints of writing code in assembly. The constraints of writing code in assembly include limited number of registers, having to setup the function call stack manually, and writing additional code to retrieve return values from functions.
The Vapor-M IR code generation system is responsible for generating the Vapor-M translation of the code generated
from the Vapor IR code generation system. Vapor-M code is closer to MIPS assembly than Vapor. As a result, all of the
limitations of assembly is imposed on code written in Vapor-M. To deal with the issue of limited number of registers
we use the linear scan register allocation algorithm for optimal register allocation. The MIPS assembly has a set of
23 registers, these are $a0, ..., $a3
, $s0, ..., $s7
, $t0, ..., $t8
, and $v0, $v1
. The $a
registers are for
argument passing during function calls. If a function takes in more than four arguments, the in/out
space in the
stack is used. For convenience in storing temporary result of calculations, we have a set of three reserved registers
: $s6, $s7, $v1
. To get the return value of a function we use $v0
register. All other registers are used in the
optimal register allocation algorithm. The function call stack is generated after analyzing the parameter list of
the function to be called. For instance if a function takes more than four arguments, then additional stack frames
are allocated for passing additional arguments. If the return from a function is void, then there is no additional code
generated to read or clean the return register: $v0
. The signature to declare a function in Vapor-M is: func Main [in 0, out 0, local 17]
. Here, in
and out
represents the number of in and out stack frames. If a function
wants to call another function with more than four arguments, then the additional argument values are written to the
out stack of the caller function and when control goes to the callee function, these additional arguments are read
from the in
stack. The local
represents the number of variables in the current function whose value resides in
the function local stack. These are generally values for variables that have been spilled by the register allocation
The MIPS assembly code generator is the final phase in the miniJava compiler. This is responsible for taking in the
code generated from the Vapor-M IR code generation system, and translating it into MIPS assembly to be run on the
MIPS emulator. Unlike the vapor intermediate representations, the MIPS assembly has no built-in functions such as
, Error()
, and HeapAllocZ()
. Implementations for these built-ins are inserted in the epilogue
section of the final MIPS code. In MIPS assembly we also have to generate the function call stack manually. This
is done through the function prologue and epilogue before the call to the function.
In order to help us with type checking and translating the high level object-oriented miniJava program into Vapor IR code, we have decided to write a series of helper packages for visualization of the control flow in the abstract syntax tree (AST) nodes. We only need to write the visualizer for the initial type checking system and the conversion to Vapor IR. Both of these systems take in as input a miniJava program. Vapor IR and Vapor-M IR code does not have as complex of an AST structure as the equivalent miniJava program. We call this miniJava AST visualizer, the Pretty Print Visitor. The stdout of this package is best illustrated through the following code block and its visualized AST.
class Factorial{
public static void main(String[] a){
System.out.println(new Fac().ComputeFac(10));
class Fac {
public int ComputeFac(int num){
int num_aux ;
if (num < 1)
num_aux = 1 ;
num_aux = num * (this.ComputeFac(num-1)) ;
return num_aux ;
The AST visualization of the above code block is illustrated below:
├─ MainClass
│ ├─ NodeToken → "class"
│ ├─ Identifier
│ │ └─ NodeToken → "Factorial"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "{"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "public"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "static"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "void"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "main"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ ├─ NodeToken → "String"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "["
│ ├─ NodeToken → "]"
│ ├─ Identifier
│ │ └─ NodeToken → "a"
│ ├─ NodeToken → ")"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "{"
│ ├─ NodeListOptional
│ ├─ NodeListOptional
│ │ └─ Statement
│ │ └─ PrintStatement
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → "System.out.println"
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ └─ MessageSend
│ │ │ ├─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ └─ AllocationExpression
│ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "new"
│ │ │ │ ├─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "Fac"
│ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → ")"
│ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "."
│ │ │ ├─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "ComputeFac"
│ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ │ │ ├─ NodeOptional
│ │ │ │ └─ ExpressionList
│ │ │ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ │ │ └─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ │ └─ IntegerLiteral
│ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "10"
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeListOptional
│ │ │ └─ NodeToken → ")"
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → ")"
│ │ └─ NodeToken → ";"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "}"
│ └─ NodeToken → "}"
├─ NodeListOptional
│ └─ TypeDeclaration
│ └─ ClassDeclaration
│ ├─ NodeToken → "class"
│ ├─ Identifier
│ │ └─ NodeToken → "Fac"
│ ├─ NodeToken → "{"
│ ├─ NodeListOptional
│ ├─ NodeListOptional
│ │ └─ MethodDeclaration
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → "public"
│ │ ├─ Type
│ │ │ └─ IntegerType
│ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "int"
│ │ ├─ Identifier
│ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "ComputeFac"
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ │ ├─ NodeOptional
│ │ │ └─ FormalParameterList
│ │ │ ├─ FormalParameter
│ │ │ │ ├─ Type
│ │ │ │ │ └─ IntegerType
│ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "int"
│ │ │ │ └─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "num"
│ │ │ └─ NodeListOptional
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → ")"
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → "{"
│ │ ├─ NodeListOptional
│ │ │ └─ VarDeclaration
│ │ │ ├─ Type
│ │ │ │ └─ IntegerType
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "int"
│ │ │ ├─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "num_aux"
│ │ │ └─ NodeToken → ";"
│ │ ├─ NodeListOptional
│ │ │ └─ Statement
│ │ │ └─ IfStatement
│ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "if"
│ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ │ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ │ └─ CompareExpression
│ │ │ │ ├─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ │ └─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "num"
│ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "<"
│ │ │ │ └─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ └─ IntegerLiteral
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "1"
│ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → ")"
│ │ │ ├─ Statement
│ │ │ │ └─ AssignmentStatement
│ │ │ │ ├─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "num_aux"
│ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "="
│ │ │ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ │ │ └─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ │ └─ IntegerLiteral
│ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "1"
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → ";"
│ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "else"
│ │ │ └─ Statement
│ │ │ └─ AssignmentStatement
│ │ │ ├─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "num_aux"
│ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "="
│ │ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ │ └─ TimesExpression
│ │ │ │ ├─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ │ └─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "num"
│ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "*"
│ │ │ │ └─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ └─ BracketExpression
│ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ │ │ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ │ │ └─ MessageSend
│ │ │ │ │ ├─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─ ThisExpression
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "this"
│ │ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "."
│ │ │ │ │ ├─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "ComputeFac"
│ │ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ │ │ │ │ ├─ NodeOptional
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─ ExpressionList
│ │ │ │ │ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ MinusExpression
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Identifier
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "num"
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "-"
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ IntegerLiteral
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "1"
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeListOptional
│ │ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → ")"
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → ")"
│ │ │ └─ NodeToken → ";"
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → "return"
│ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ └─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ └─ Identifier
│ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "num_aux"
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → ";"
│ │ └─ NodeToken → "}"
│ └─ NodeToken → "}"
└─ NodeToken → ""
From the above visualization it can be seen that Goal
is the entry point into the AST nodes and also Goal
is the
root of the AST. In this specific example, the Goal
node has two child nodes – the root of the AST node for the
main class, and the root node of the AST of the Fac
class. In general, there can be more than one class other than
the main class in a miniJava program. All of these classes will have their own AST, and the root nodes of these ASTs
will be the child of the Goal
In this section we describe the Typechecking system in depth, including the data structures and the layout of the symbol table.
The symbol table is the core component of the type checking system. We are using a scoped hierarchical symbol table data structure to efficiently capture information about functions in classes, variables in functions and inheritance hierarchy. The hierarchical symbol table is a tree based data structure where the nodes are tables with two columns . The first column contains the symbols, and the second column contains the binding information of the symbols. The binding information stores information about the type of the symbol and whether the symbol is a parameter. If the symbol is a function identifier, then the type in the binding information is the return type of the function.
To build the symbol table we perform three passes over the MiniJava program. The first pass builds a preliminary hierarchical symbol table tree data structure. In addition to building the tree based data structure, it also checks for duplicate declaration of identifiers. If a duplicate declaration of an identifier is found, an error will be thrown. We illustrate this first pass with the following code example:
class A {
public static void main(String[] args) {
B b;
b = new B();
class B extends C {
int a;
public int a() {
int c;
c = this.c();
a = 12 * c;
return a;
class C {
int c;
public int c() {
c = 12;
return c;
The symbol table for the above code block after the first pass is as follows:
As can be seen from the above generated symbol table that the global symbol table stores pointers to the symbol
tables of all classes. In this case there are three classes: A
, B
, and C
. The binding information for these
three symbols in the global symbol table is <class, null>
. This is because A
, B
, and C
are classes. The
symbol tables for the three classes contains pointers to the symbol tables of member variables and functions. The
symbol tables for functions contains pointers to the symbol tables of the variables declared in the function scope
and the function parameter list. One thing that can be observed from the above generated symbol table is that there
is no link between the symbol C
in the symbol table for B and the symbol table of class C
. There should be a link
between these two because class B
inherits from class C
, and the link makes it possible to access all the member
variables and functions in class C
from class B
. This link is added in the second pass.
The second pass in the symbol table visitor is responsible for creating the inheritance links between nodes of the hierarchical symbol table data structure. After the second pass, the above symbol table looks as follows:
This second pass uses a different symbol table visitor called the symbol table inheritance visitor. Notice the red
link. This link signifies that class B
inherits from class C
. During the second pass, an error is thrown if a
class inherits from a class that does not exist.
After the second pass, there is one additional pass - done by a different symbol table visitor - that checks the completed symbol table for circular inheritance. This symbol table visitor is called the symbol table inheritance type check visitor. The algorithm for circular inheritance detection is as follows:
Input: Symbol table node of the child class
Output: True of circular inheritance detected, False otherwise
InheritanceChain = set()
ParentClass = getparent(Input)
While there is a ParentClass
If ParentClass not in InheritanceChain
Add ParentClass to InheritanceChain
Else if ParentClass in InheritanceChain
Return True
ParentClass = getParent(ParentClass)
Return False
The intuition for the algorithm is that, given a child class node, continually try to find the parent until a base
class is encountered. If a class inherits from any other class that is already in the partial inheritance chain
, there is a circular inheritance. The reason for the inheritance chain is that if there are three classes: A
, B
, and C
, and A
inherits from B
and B
inherits from C
, then A
will have access to all the member
variables and functions of both classes B
and C
Once the symbol table passes this final pass, it is then used by the Typecheck visitor. To perform additional type checking.
This is the visitor that is responsible for performing more fine grained type checks. These checks include checking
if the conditional in if
, for
, and while
loop evaluates to a Boolean expression. There are also checks
performed in assignment statements that makes sure the types on the left-hand side and the types on the right-hand
side are equal. Type checking is done through a global variable that stores the type of the most recently visited
expression. The following code block illustrates an example:
class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] a) {
The AST for the part that we care about is as follows. The part that needs type checking in the above code block is the print statement.
│ ├─ NodeListOptional
│ │ └─ Statement
│ │ └─ PrintStatement
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → "System.out.println"
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → "("
│ │ ├─ Expression
│ │ │ └─ PlusExpression
│ │ │ ├─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ │ └─ IntegerLiteral
│ │ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "12"
│ │ │ ├─ NodeToken → "+"
│ │ │ └─ PrimaryExpression
│ │ │ └─ IntegerLiteral
│ │ │ └─ NodeToken → "21"
│ │ ├─ NodeToken → ")"
│ │ └─ NodeToken → ";"
From the above AST, when we visit the PlusExpression
and eventually make our way down to the first IntegerLiteral
node, we set the global type to int
. After visiting the first IntegerLiteral
node we backtrack to the
, and visit the second IntegerLiteral
node and backtrack our way back to the PlusExpression
. We then check to make sure that the global type after the visit to the first child node is equal to the global type
after the visit to the second child node of the sub-AST rooted at PlusExpression
. If both of these types are equal
, then the PlusExpression
type checks, and the global type is set to int
. After the PlusExpression
, control
returns to the PrintStatement
, where the global type is checked again. If the global type at this point is an int
, then the PrintStatement
type checks. Since the program had only one statement and that statement type checks
, therefore, the program type checks. A miniJava program type checks if all of its statements type check. This
process of checking if a statement type checks applies to all statements.
This visitor is also responsible for type checking through implicit typecasting especially during the case of
inheritance and function overriding. If there are multiple overridden functions, this visitor determines which
function to type check against by comparing the parameter list in the function call to the parameter list of all the
functions that have the same name in the current, inherited, and parent scopes. The typecasting algorithm is
illustrated below. The following algorithm tries to typecast arg2
into arg1
Input: arg1, arg2, symbol_table
Output: None if the typecasting was successful, casting error otherwise
S1 = symbol_table.get_symbol_table(arg1) # get the symbol table for argument 1
S2 = symbol_table.get_symbol_table(arg2) # get the symbol table for argument 2
If S1 is NULL or S1 is a reserved keyword or S2 is NULL or S2 is a reserved keyword
Throw Exception (“Cannot cast reserved types”)
S2 = getInheritedParent(S2) # get the parent class that S2 inherits from
If S2 does not have an inherited parent
Throw Exception (“No possible way to cast arg2 to arg1”)
If type of S2 does not equal type of arg1
Throw Exception (“No possible way to cast arg2 to arg1”)
The above algorithm will only run if the types of arg1
and arg2
are unequal.
This visitor also makes checks to make sure that the variables that are used in a statement have been defined previously either in the current scope or in the parent scopes. This is done by scanning the symbol table in two directions - upwards and sideways. sideways scans are performed when a class inherits from another class. Upward scans are always performed to find variable declarations. For instance if the visitor is working with a function symbol table and it encounters a symbol that is not found in the current function symbol table, then an upward scan is performed on the class containing the function. If the symbol is not found in the class scope, then sideways scans are performed to search for the symbol in the parent inherited classes. If the variable is encountered in a scope that is closer to the current statement being type checked, then the type of that variable is used in the type checking process.
The symbol table is also the core component of the Vapor IR code generation system. The only difference in the symbol
table used in the Vapor IR code generation system to the one used in the type checking system is in the binding
information of the symbols. The binding information of the symbols in this symbol table contain an additional field
that helps us with creating the memory layout of the miniJava program. This additional field is called typeScope
which contains the memory offsets of the variables in the miniJava program. This is best illustrated through the
following factorial code example:
class Factorial{
public static void main(String[] a){
System.out.println(new Fac().ComputeFac(10));
class Fac {
public int ComputeFac(int num){
int num_aux ;
if (num < 1)
num_aux = 1 ;
num_aux = num * (this.ComputeFac(num-1)) ;
return num_aux ;
The symbol table for the above program is as follows:
From the above generated hierarchical symbol table it can be seen that the binding information for each symbol now
contains three fields: type
, typeScope
, scopeName
. The type
field identifies the type of the variable
, similar to the symbol table used in the type checking system. The typeScope
acts as the offset into the memory
region starting from zero and increasing in increments of four bytes. An illustration of the memory layout generated
by this system will be shown later. The scopeName
is similar to the scope
in the symbol table from the type
checking system in that it identifies whether a symbol is a parameter. If a symbol is a parameter, it is represented
by a value or zero. In the following section we illustrate the memory layout generated by the Vapor IR code
generation system.
In order to deal with branch statements such as if … else …
statements, conditionals in while
loops, compiler
generated if
statements for array access bounds check, and the &&
logical operator, we need a way to generate
unique labels and insert goto
statements with the uniquely generated labels as the operand. This is illustrated in
the following code example:
int i;
while (i<10)
i = i + 1;
The above translation of the following code into Vapor IR is as follows:
i = 0
t.0 = LtS(i 10)
if0 t.0 goto :while1_end
t.1 = Add(i 1)
i = t.1
goto :while1_top
In the above translation we can see that the while1_top
is the entry point into the while statement, and the
label is the exit point out of the while statement. The LtS
is a built-in function which stands for
less-than-signed; all this function does is return a non-zero value if i
is less than 10. This value is stored in
temporary variable and compared in the following statement. If the value of this temporary is zero, then we go
to the end of the while loop, indicated by the while1_end
label. Otherwise we increment the value of i
and move
to the beginning/entry point of the while statement, indicated by goto :while1_top
In order to generate these unique labels we use a singleton factory design pattern for labels. This factory is
identified in the code base as LabelFactory
. The label factory contains a TYPE
enumerator which is passed into
the createLabel
function to generate the appropriate label. The TYPE
enumerator contains the types of labels that
can be generated by the factory. These types are: IF_ELSE
, and AND
In addition to generating the code labels, we also need a way to generate unique temporary variables. These variables
are indicated by the letter t
followed by a period, and followed by a number acting as the unique identifier such
as: t.66
. The singleton TMPVAR
class located in the package TempVars
is responsible for generating such
variables. This class contains the following functions:
Function | Description |
get() | This function is used to get the string representation of the current temporary variable. |
getPrev() | This function is used to get the string representation of the previously generated temporary variable. |
getNext() | Get the next temporary variable that will be generated when the createNew() function is called. |
setCOUNTER() | Set the unique identifier of the temporary variable to a specific value. |
createNew() | Create a new temporary variable. |
getCOUNTER() | Get the current unique identifier of the current temporary. |
reset() | Reset the unique identifier counter. |
delete() | Delete the current temporary. |
MiniJava only allows the allocation of integer arrays. Similar to Java, all arrays allocated has a built-in length
property. This is accomplished by allocating one additional four byte block to the allocated array. This additional
four byte slot stores the length of the array. When array.length()
is called, the value stored in this additional
four byte block is returned. The allocation of this augmented array is handled by an auxiliary function called
in the generated Vapor code. This auxiliary function stores this length information in the first
element of the allocated array. User accesses and modifications to the zeroth element of the array automatically
get inserted from the first element of the array. This is completely abstracted away from the user and handled by
the additional code generated by the compiler when the array subscript operator is called. The following shows
the implementation of the AllocArray()
func AllocArray(size)
bytes = MulS(size 4)
bytes = Add(bytes 4)
v = HeapAllocZ(bytes)
[v] = size
ret v
Code generated by the compiler for user accesses of array elements is outlined below through the following code example:
class A {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] a;
a = new int[12];
a[6] = 900;
The following table shows the translation of each statement in the main function of the above miniJava program into its Vapor IR code:
Statement Number |
MiniJava Statement | Vapor IR Code |
1 | int[] a; | No code generated, since it is a declaration |
2 | a = new int[7]; | t.0 = call :AllocArray(7) a = t.0 if a goto :null1 Error("null pointer") null1: |
3 | a[6] = 900; | t.2 = [a] t.2 = Lt(6 t.2) if t.2 goto :bounds1 Error("array index out of bounds") bounds1: t.2 = MulS(6 4) t.2 = Add(t.2 a) [t.2+4] = 900 |
4 | System.out.println(a.length); | t.4 = [a] PrintIntS(t.4) |
5 | System.out.println(a[6]); | if a goto :null2 Error("null pointer") null2: t.7 = [a] t.7 = Lt(6 t.7) if t.7 goto :bounds2 Error("array index out of bounds") bounds2: t.7 = MulS(6 4) t.7 = Add(t.7 t.6) t.8 = [t.7+4] PrintIntS(t.8) |
From the above table it can be seen that no code is generated for statement 1 since it is a declaration and does not
do us any good generating Vapor IR code for declaration statements. For statement 2 it can be seen that a call to
is made, and immediately after the call a null pointer check is performed. This is done to throw an
error when the user for instance uses a class but forgets to initialize it using the new
keyword as in the
following test case:
class A {
public static void main(String[] a) {
// throw an error since b is not initialized
System.out.println(((new B()).init()).getValue());
class B {
B b;
int value;
public B init() {
return b;
public int getValue() {
return value;
Statement 3 is called the array assignment statement. In the generated Vapor IR code for this statement it can be seen first that the expression in the array subscript operator is first checked to make sure that it is within the bounds of the array size. The bounds check involves checking if the value in the subscript operator is less than the length of the array. For this check an access to the first element of the array containing the length information is needed. Once this check is performed, the specified index is accessed and modified. For accessing this index we first multiply the index value by four, since there are four bytes per block. This gives us the offset into the linear memory segment. We then add this offset to the address of the start of the array. This gives us an address that is four bytes less than the address that we want to modify, this is because arrays in miniJava have to store their own lengths in the first element. To rectify this, we add an additional four bytes to the address obtained in the previous step, and modify the value stored in this new address. This whole process is illustrated in the following diagram. The diagram illustrates the process after the checking the array bounds. In the following diagram, each box is a four byte block, and each pointer points to the start of a 4 byte block.
In statement 4, we are accessing the length property of the array. The value of this property is stored in the first
element of the allocated array as illustrated in the previous figure. When array.length
is invoked, all we do is
return the value contained in the first element of the array. In other words, all we do is return the value
contained in the 4 byte block pointed to by the initial pointer in the previous diagram. The initial pointer
points to the start of the 4 byte block that is to be read.
In statement 5 we access the 6th element of an array and print its result. The code generated for this statement if similar to the code generated for statement 3. In that we first check to make sure that we are not accessing a null pointer, and then check to make sure that the value in the array subscript operator is within the bounds of the array, and finally proceed with the same set of instructions as in statement 3.
The purpose of this sub-system is to translate a vapor program into a vapor-M program. The vapor-M program is closer to
the MIPS assembly than the respective vapor program. It is closer in the sense that the translator has to insert vapor-M code to manage the memory layout of the stack. The vapor-M program also has a limited number of registers. There are four registers for argument passing: $a0, ..., $a3
. If a function takes more than 4 arguments, then the in/out
stack is used to pass the additional arguments after the four argument registers have been used. In addition to the argument registers, there is also callee saved and caller saved and reserved registers and return value registers. The callee saved registers are: $s0, .., $s5
. The caller sved registers are: $t0, ..., $t8
. The return registers are $v0
. The set of reserved registers are: $s6, $s7, $v1
. The value of callee saved registers are preserved accross calls, while the value of caller saved registers is not guaranteed to be preserved across calls. Callee saved registers are preserved across calls using the following algorithm:
- Before the
statement, backup all the callee saved registers in the function local stack - After the
statement restore all backed up callee saved register.
For the purpose of correctness, I am also backing up the argument registers and restoring their values after the call
statement. Since there is a limited number of registers, this programming assignment also uses the Linear Scan Register Allocation algorithm to make register allocations, i.e. deciding which variables are assigned to which register or the stack. One of the problems with this algorithm is that it does not take holes in live intervals into account. If a variable gets spilled on the stack it stays spilled till the end of the function.
In order to compute the live interval, this assignment uses control flow graph for a function. A control flow graph (CFG) captures all possible execution paths for a program, in our case it will capture all possible execution paths in the function. The CFG in this assignment used a basic block size of 1, i.e. each node in the CFG only contained one vapor statement. After the control flow graph is built, the use-def sets for each basic block is populated. This set contains the variables that are used and the variables that are defined in a basic block. Once the use-def sets for all basic blocks is computed, the live-in and live-out sets are computed using the following algorithm.
Pseudocode for algorithm removed under request, as this is something the students for CS453 are expected to understand and implement themselves.
Once the live-in and live-out sets are computed. the live range for a variable are all the basic blocks where the variable is both live-in and live-out.
This is the last translation phase in the miniJAVA compiler. This translation phase takes in a vapor-M program and translates it into MIPS assembly using the vapor-M visitor to visit every node in the vapor-M abstract syntax tree and generate MIPS assembly code for that node. Here, the compiler must generate code that takes of stack frame allocations and deallocations during function calls. The compiler must also generate code for vapor and vapor-M builtins such as HeapAllocZ
and PrintIntS()
This project requires that gradle be installed. Before you can run the project, you need to install it. This is done
by running the make install
command. Once this command is issued, you will see a install
directory. The
executable is located in this directory. To compile, for instance, the following program:
class Main {
public static void main(String[] a){
System.out.println(12 + 21);
which is saved as
navigate to the install directory and issue: ./MiniJavaCompiler --file --o add .s
. This will generate a file with the .s
extension containing the MIPS assembly code of
. To get
verbose details on the assembly code generation process use the additional --verbose
flag. The generated assembly
code for the above program is laid out below:
jal Main
li $v0 10
sw $fp -8($sp)
move $fp $sp
subu $sp $sp 76
sw $ra -4($fp)
li $t0 33 #2
move $a0 $t0
jal _print
lw $ra -4($fp)
lw $fp -8($fp)
addu $sp $sp 76
jr $ra
sw $fp -8($sp)
move $fp $sp
subu $sp $sp 76
sw $ra -4($fp)
move $t1 $a0
mul $t0 $t1 4
addu $t0 $t0 4
move $a0 $t0
jal _heapAlloc
move $t2 $v0
sw $t1 0($t2)
move $v0 $t2
lw $ra -4($fp)
lw $fp -8($fp)
addu $sp $sp 76
jr $ra
li $v0 1 # syscall: print integer
la $a0 _newline
li $v0 4 # syscall: print string
jr $ra
li $v0 4 # syscall: print string
li $v0 10 # syscall: exit
li $v0 9 # syscall: sbrk
jr $ra
.align 0
_newline: .asciiz "\n"
_str0: .asciiz "null pointer\n"
_str1: .asciiz "array index out of bounds\n"
This project also comes with a run script that is located in the root directory of the project. This allows you to run
your generated MIPS assembly code on the MARS MIPS emulator. To run the above generated add.s
MIPS assembly code
use the following command from the project root:
./run ./install/add.s
This will generate a value of 33
on the terminal.
From the project structure, it can be seen that there are two symbol tables generated during the compilation process. The first symbol table is used for type checking and the second symbol table is used for generating the VaporIR code. Both of these symbol tables are virtually identical except for the binding information for the symbols and the operations performed on them. As a result they can be combined together into a single table which will be generated during the type checking phase and will be used in both the type checker and the VaporIR code generation systems.
All external resources used during the project are cited within the code.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 RoySRC
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.