HaploNet is a framework for inferring fine-scale population structure using neural networks in an unsupervised approach for phased haplotypes of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. We utilize a variational autoencoder (VAE) framework to learn mappings to and from a low-dimensional latent space in which we will perform indirect clustering of haplotypes with a Gaussian mixture prior (Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoder).
Please cite our paper in Genome Research: Haplotype and Population Structure Inference using Neural Networks in Whole-Genome Sequencing Data.
The HaploNet framework relies on the following Python packages that you can install through conda (recommended, see next) or pip:
- pytorch
- numpy
- cython
- scipy
- cyvcf2
Follow the link to find more information on how to install PyTorch for your setup (GPU/CPU). You can create an environment through conda easily as follows:
# GPU setup
conda env create -f environment_gpu.yml
# CPU setup
conda env create -f environment_cpu.yml
git clone https://github.com/Rosemeis/HaploNet.git
cd HaploNet
pip3 install -e .
You can now run HaploNet with the haplonet
HaploNet can now be trained on a phased genotype file in VCF/BCF format as follows (using default parameters and on GPU):
haplonet train --bcf chr1.bcf --cuda --out haplonet.chr1
# Saves log-likelihoods in binary NumPy matrix (haplonet.chr1.loglike.npy)
# and a log-file with parameters used in the training (haplonet.chr1.log)
# Run for 22 chromosomes and save output path in a filelist (needed in downstream analyses)
for c in {1..22}
haplonet train --bcf chr${c}.bcf --cuda --out haplonet.chr${c}
realpath haplonet.chr${c}.loglike.npy >> haplonet.filelist
HaploNet outputs the neural network log-likelihoods by default which are used to infer global population structure (PCA and admixture). With the '--latent' argument, the parameters of the learnt latent spaces of the GMVAE can be saved as well. See all available options in HaploNet with the following command:
haplonet -h
haplonet train -h # training haplonet
haplonet admix -h # estimate ancestry
haplonet pca -h # perform pca
All the following analyses assume that HaploNet has been run for all chromosomes and a filelist has been created, which contains the log-likelihood output paths for each chromosome (e.g. haplonet.filelist). The argument "--like" can be used if you only have one chromosome or merged file.
The EM algorithm in HaploNet can be run with K=2 and 64 threads (CPU based).
haplonet admix --filelist haplonet.filelist --K 2 --threads 64 --seed 0 --out haplonet.admixture.k2
# Saves ancestry proportions in a text-file (haplonet.admixture.k2.q)
# and ancestral cluster frequencies in a binary NumPy matrix (haplonet.admixture.k2.f.npy)
And the admixture proportions can as an example be plotted in R as follows:
q <- read.table("haplonet.admixture.k2.q")
barplot(t(q), space=0, border=NA, col=c("dodgerblue3", "firebrick2"), xlab="Individuals", ylab="Proportions", main="HaploNet - Admixture")
Estimate eigenvectors directly using SVD (recommended for big datasets):
haplonet pca --filelist haplonet.filelist --threads 64 --out haplonet.pca
e <- as.matrix(read.table("haplonet.pca.eigenvecs"))
plot(e[,1:2], main="HaploNet - PCA", xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2")
Compute the covariance matrix followed by eigendecomposition in R:
haplonet pca --filelist haplonet.filelist --cov --threads 64 --out haplonet.pca
C <- as.matrix(read.table("haplonet.pca.cov"))
e <- eigen(C)
plot(e$vectors[,1:2], main="HaploNet - PCA", xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2")