Embeds python into AssaultCube.
This project is obviously a WIP, and less obviously more of a toy than anything. However if any interest is sparked or anyone else wants to contribute, I may get more serious about this project. This is not guaranteed to compile on anything but OSX as I do not test regularly enough on other systems. Hopefully it will be stable on other operating systems, I'd like to think my programming isn't that bad.
This repository is based off of 1.2 until I get a stable version, and then I will update and continue updating with the main AC repository. Some of the code base is based off of a similar project, xsbs, which can be found here: https://github.com/greghaynes/xsbs
This follows all the same licenses as AC does. My code isn't anything special, so feel free to use what I added in anyway you want.
Plugins that may not be immediately wanted are included in the extraplugins/ folder. If you want to use them, drag the plugin folder into the plugins/ folder, and they should be installed.
The current build system is scons which can be found here: http://www.scons.org/
cd into ./source/src To build (on *nix):
$ scons
To clean (on *nix):
$ scons -c
To make install (on *nix):
$ scons install
To build, and then run the server (on *nix):
$ scons install
$ cd ../../
$ ./bin/native_server
This will server as the API documentation, until a better solution is had.
###Events Events are functions that get called when actions happen.
####Events With normal these normal events, the return value is ignored.
- initEnd() - Called when the init phase of server startup has finished (all config files loaded). Remember that the plugin gets loaded before any other initialization occurs.
- serverExtension(int cn, str ext, str ext_text) - Called when a user uses a /serverextension, and no matching server extensions have been found.
- clientDisconnect(int cn, int reason) - Called when a client disconnects for any reason. The specific reason is given by the argument 'reason'
- clientConnect(int cn, int discreason) - Called when a client connects. If the client fails to connect (matches blacklist, offends a whitelist entry), then the client will be immediately disconnected and the reason for disconnection will be given in discreason.
- serverTick(int gamemillis, int servermillis) - Called once per server frame. gamemillis is the number of millis in the game, servermillis is the total number of millis since server startup.
- serverEnd() - Called when the server stops. Nothing besides cleanup code should exist in here.
- intermissionStart() - Called when the intermission starts (game effectively ends).
- gameStart(str mapname, int mode, int gamemillis, int gamelimit) - Called when a new game starts.
####PolicyEvents With these policy events, the return value is used to alter the action of the server. If boolean, True will block the event, False will leave it unchanged.
- clientSpawn(int cn) - Triggered when a client spawns.
- clientDeath(int acn, int tcn, int gun, int damage) - Triggered when a client dies
- clientSay(int cn, str text, bool isteam, bool isme) - Triggered when a client talks in the server
- masterRegister(str masterhost, int masterport) - Triggered when the server tries to register with the masterserver
####acserver Main module for server interaction.
Methods defined here:
- acserver.log(str msg, [int level]) - Logs a message, level defaults to info.
- acserver.msg(str msg, [int cn]) - Sends a message to a client, if cn is -1 (default) then it sends the message to all clients.
- acserver.killClient(int acn, int tcn [bool (int) gib, int weap]) - Makes it as if acn killed tcn with given weapon, and specifies if it was gib or not
- acserver.spawnClient(int cn, int health, [int armour, int ammo, int mag, int weapon, int primaryweapon]) - Spawn client with specified starting stats.
- acserver.getClient(int cn) - Returns a dictionary with client stats
- acserver.setClient(int cn, [int state, [int primary, [int gunselect, [int frags, [int deaths, [int health, [int armour, [int points, [int teamkills]]]]]]]]]) - Takes keyword arguments and client's stats
- acserver.forceTeam(int cn, int team, [int reason]) - Forces a client to the specified team.
- acserver.getCmdLineOptions() - Returns a dictionary with all of the server commandline options.
- acserver.getAdminPasswords() - Returns a tuple of all of the admin passwords. Structured like: ((str password,int linenumber, bool denyadmin),(anotherpassword))
- acserver.getGameMillis() - Returns the time spent in the current game
- acserver.getMinRemain() - Returns the minutes remaining
- acserver.getServMillis() - Returns the number of milliseconds that the server has been running.
- acserver.getMaprot() - Returns a tuple of all of the maprot entries. Structured like((str mapname, int mode, int time, int vote, int minplayer, int maxplayer, int skiplines))
- acserver.clearMaprot() - Clears the maprot. WARNING, if you do not fill it up with at least one valid map, this will fail with a fatal error.
- acserver.addMapToRot(str mapname,int mode, int time, int vote, [int minplayers, [int maxplayers, [int skiplines]]]) - Adds maprot entry to the maprot. TODO: Better name?
####core Core functionality. These are modules that are required for server functionality.
####core.plugins This module is used to load the plugins. The plugin should be in a folder laid out as such:
The file plugin.conf is the configuration file for the plugin. It must define these settings: Plugin.author, Plugin.name, Plugin.version, Plugin.enable. The most basic plugin.conf will look like this:
author = unarmed
name = Hello World
version = 1.0
enable = yes
These are required, however only name and enable are used internally. enable is used to specify if you want your plugin to run. name must not be the same as any other plugin installed, otherwise unexpected errors will occur when running the plugin.
The _init_.py file is required, as the plugin is loaded as a module. When it is loaded, the main() method of the plugin is called. Although the plugin will still load correctly without a main() method, an unseemly warning is called. When main() is called, an argument is passed as the first parameter, called 'plugin' by convention. This is the Plugin class that is assigned to the plugin. This can be used to access its configuration file and other such things.
####core.logging This module defines constants used with acserver.log