- Python 3.11.10^
- vscode
- 00_impresionDeStrings.py
- This file
- 01_dataTypes.py
- This file reflect the python zen credo
- 02_parseDataType.py
- This file explains how can parse data across the datatypes biult in the languajes
- 03_aritmethic.py
- This file was an introduction to arithmetic operations with variables and results
- 04_comp.py
- This file introduces to if case on python
- 05_andOrNot.py
- This introduce to operations to compare a few boolean sentences
- 06_conditionals.py
- This make deep knowledge about compare something on python
- 07_paperRockScissors.py
- This file was a project/game to check the learned on the notes
- 08_slicing.py
- This explains how can you slice a string like a piece of bread
- 09_lists.py
- This file introduce to the list data structure
- 10_tuples.py
- This file introduce to the touple data structure
- 11_paperRockScissorsV2.py
- This file is an upgrade from 07_paperRockScissors.py
- 12_dictionarys.py
- This file introduce to the dictionary data structure (an object on JS)
- 13_loops.py
- This file introduces to while loop case on python
- 14_for.py
- This file introduces to for loop case on python
- 15_rockPaperScissorsLizzardSpock.py
- This file is the endo of course, explains and play like the big bang theory rock paper scissors lizard spock game is.
Mutable | Ordered | Indexing and slicing | Duplicate Elements | |
List | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Tuple | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |