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Upgrade rotations (#14)
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* Upgrade Rotations

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Co-authored-by: Brian Jackson <>
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bjack205 and Brian Jackson authored Mar 20, 2024
1 parent ed2b469 commit 8a2bb86
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Showing 11 changed files with 377 additions and 373 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "RobotZoo"
uuid = "74be38bb-dcc2-4b9e-baf3-d6373cd95f10"
authors = ["Brian Jackson <>"]
version = "0.3.2"
version = "0.3.3"

FiniteDiff = "6a86dc24-6348-571c-b903-95158fe2bd41"
Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
FiniteDiff = "2.10"
ForwardDiff = "0.10"
RobotDynamics = "0.4.1"
RobotDynamics = "0.4.8"
Rotations = "1.0"
StaticArrays = "0.12, 1.0"
julia = "1"
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/cartpole.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ with keyword arguments
* `l` - length of the pendulum, in m (default = 0.5)
* `g` - gravity, in m/s² (default = 9.81)
@autodiff struct Cartpole{T} <: ContinuousDynamics
@autodiff struct Cartpole{T} <: ContinuousDynamics
Expand All @@ -32,18 +32,18 @@ function dynamics(model::Cartpole, x, u)
l = model.l # length of the pole in m
g = model.g # gravity m/s^2

q = x[ @SVector [1,2] ]
qd = x[ @SVector [3,4] ]
q = x[@SVector [1, 2]]
qd = x[@SVector [3, 4]]

s = sin(q[2])
c = cos(q[2])

H = @SMatrix [mc+mp mp*l*c; mp*l*c mp*l^2]
C = @SMatrix [0 -mp*qd[2]*l*s; 0 0]
G = @SVector [0, mp*g*l*s]
G = @SVector [0, mp * g * l * s]
B = @SVector [1, 0]

qdd = -H\(C*qd + G - B*u[1])
qdd = -H \ (C * qd + G - B * u[1])
return [qd; qdd]

Expand All @@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ RobotDynamics.state_dim(::Cartpole) = 4
RobotDynamics.control_dim(::Cartpole) = 1

# Base.position(::Cartpole, x::StaticVector) = SA[0,x[1],0]
# RobotDynamics.orientation(::Cartpole, x::StaticVector) = UnitQuaternion(expm(SA[1,0,0]*x[2]))
# RobotDynamics.orientation(::Cartpole, x::StaticVector) = QuatRotation(expm(SA[1,0,0]*x[2]))
124 changes: 62 additions & 62 deletions src/copymodel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ struct CopyModel{K,N,M,L} <: ContinuousDynamics

function CopyModel(model::L, K::Int) where L <: ContinuousDynamics
n,m = size(model)
function CopyModel(model::L, K::Int) where {L<:ContinuousDynamics}
n, m = size(model)
xind = SVector{n}(1:n)
uind = SVector{m}(1:m)
xinds = [xind .+ (i-1)*n for i = 1:K]
uinds = [uind .+ (i-1)*m for i = 1:K]
xinds = [xind .+ (i - 1) * n for i = 1:K]
uinds = [uind .+ (i - 1) * m for i = 1:K]
ix = SVector{n}(1:n)
iu = SVector{m}(n .+ (1:m))
return CopyModel{K,n,m,L}(model, ix, iu, xinds, uinds)

Base.size(::CopyModel{K,N,M}) where {K,N,M} = N*K,M*K
Base.size(::CopyModel{K,N,M}) where {K,N,M} = N * K, M * K

function build_state(model::CopyModel{K}, xs...) where K
function build_state(model::CopyModel{K}, xs...) where {K}
@assert length(xs) == K
x = xs[1]
for i = 2:K
Expand All @@ -30,23 +30,23 @@ function build_state(model::CopyModel{K}, xs...) where K

function Base.zeros(model::CopyModel{K,N,M}) where {K,N,M}
x,u = zeros(model.model)
return repeat(x,K), repeat(u,K)
x, u = zeros(model.model)
return repeat(x, K), repeat(u, K)

function Base.rand(model::CopyModel{K}) where K
x,u = rand(model.model)
function Base.rand(model::CopyModel{K}) where {K}
x, u = rand(model.model)
for i = 2:K
x_,u_ = rand(model.model)
x_, u_ = rand(model.model)
x = [x; x_]
u = [u; u_]
return x,u
return x, u

function states(model::CopyModel{K,N,M}, x) where {K,N,M}
reshape(x, N, K)
return [x[i] for i in model.xinds]

Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function states(model::CopyModel, Z::Traj, k::Int)

function controls(model::CopyModel{K,N,M}, u) where {K,N,M}
reshape(u, M, K)

controls(model::CopyModel{K,L}, z::KnotPoint, k::Int) where {L,K} =
Expand All @@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ function TrajectoryOptimization.get_trajectory(model::CopyModel, Z::Traj, k::Int
map(Z) do z
x = state(z)[xinds[k]]
u = control(z)[uinds[k]]
KnotPoint(x, u, z.dt, z.t)

function TrajectoryOptimization.dynamics(model::CopyModel{K}, x, u, t=0.0) where K
function TrajectoryOptimization.dynamics(model::CopyModel{K}, x, u, t=0.0) where {K}
xinds = model.xinds
uinds = model.uinds
xdot = dynamics(model.model, x[xinds[1]], u[uinds[1]], t)
Expand All @@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ function TrajectoryOptimization.dynamics(model::CopyModel{K}, x, u, t=0.0) where

function TrajectoryOptimization.discrete_dynamics(::Type{Q}, model::CopyModel{K},
z::KnotPoint) where {K,Q <: TrajectoryOptimization.Implicit}
z::KnotPoint) where {K,Q<:TrajectoryOptimization.Implicit}
xinds = model.xinds
uinds = model.uinds
x,u = state(z), control(z)
x, u = state(z), control(z)
xdot = discrete_dynamics(Q, model.model, x[xinds[1]], u[uinds[1]], z.t, z.dt)
for i = 2:K
xdot_ = discrete_dynamics(Q, model.model, x[xinds[i]], u[uinds[i]], z.t, z.dt)
Expand All @@ -109,33 +109,33 @@ function TrajectoryOptimization.discrete_dynamics(::Type{Q}, model::CopyModel{K}

function TrajectoryOptimization.jacobian(model::CopyModel{K,N0,M0},
z::KnotPoint{T,N,M,NM}) where {K,N0,M0,T,N,M,NM}
A0 = @SMatrix zeros(N0,N0)
B0 = @SMatrix zeros(N0,M0)
z::KnotPoint{T,N,M,NM}) where {K,N0,M0,T,N,M,NM}
A0 = @SMatrix zeros(N0, N0)
B0 = @SMatrix zeros(N0, M0)
ix = model.ix
iu = model.iu

xinds = model.xinds
uinds = model.uinds
x,u = state(z), control(z)
x, u = state(z), control(z)

# Process fist model
z_ = [x[xinds[1]]; u[uinds[1]]]
z_ = TrajectoryOptimization.StaticKnotPoint(z_, ix, iu, z.dt, z.t)
∇f = jacobian(model.model, z_)
A,B = ∇f[ix,ix], ∇f[ix,iu]
A, B = ∇f[ix, ix], ∇f[ix, iu]
# append zeros after
for i = 2:K
A = [A A0]
B = [B B0]
A = [A A0]
B = [B B0]

# loop over the rest of the models, appending below the first
for i = 2:K
z_ = [x[xinds[i]]; u[uinds[i]]]
z_ = TrajectoryOptimization.StaticKnotPoint(z_, ix, iu, z.dt, z.t)
∇f = jacobian(model.model, z_)
A_,B_ = ∇f[ix,ix], ∇f[ix,iu]
A_, B_ = ∇f[ix, ix], ∇f[ix, iu]

# prepend zeros
for j = 1:i-1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,33 +195,33 @@ end
# end

function discrete_jacobian!(::Type{Q}, ∇f, model::Dynamics.CopyModel{K,N0,M0},
z::KnotPoint{T,N,M,NM}) where {T,N,M,NM,K,N0,M0,Q<:TrajectoryOptimization.Implicit}
z::KnotPoint{T,N,M,NM}) where {T,N,M,NM,K,N0,M0,Q<:TrajectoryOptimization.Implicit}
xinds = model.xinds
uinds = model.uinds
ix = model.ix
iu = model.iu
iz = [ix; iu; @SVector [N0+M0+1]]
x,u = state(z), control(z)
for i = 1:K
z_ = [x[xinds[i]]; u[uinds[i]]]
z_ = StaticKnotPoint(z_, ix, iu, z.dt, z.t)
∇f_ = discrete_jacobian(Q, model.model, z_)
A,B,C = ∇f_[ix,ix], ∇f_[ix,iu], ∇f_[ix,N0+M0+1]
ix = model.ix
iu = model.iu
iz = [ix; iu; @SVector [N0 + M0 + 1]]
x, u = state(z), control(z)
for i = 1:K
z_ = [x[xinds[i]]; u[uinds[i]]]
z_ = StaticKnotPoint(z_, ix, iu, z.dt, z.t)
∇f_ = discrete_jacobian(Q, model.model, z_)
A, B, C = ∇f_[ix, ix], ∇f_[ix, iu], ∇f_[ix, N0+M0+1]

ix_ = ix .+ (i-1)*N0
iu_ = iu .+ (i-1)*M0 .+ N .- N0
it_ = NM+1
∇f[ix_,ix_] .= A
∇f[ix_,iu_] .= B
∇f[ix_,it_] .= C
ix_ = ix .+ (i - 1) * N0
iu_ = iu .+ (i - 1) * M0 .+ N .- N0
it_ = NM + 1
∇f[ix_, ix_] .= A
∇f[ix_, iu_] .= B
∇f[ix_, it_] .= C

function state_diff_size(model::CopyModel{K}) where K
return state_diff_size(model.model)*K
function state_diff_size(model::CopyModel{K}) where {K}
return state_diff_size(model.model) * K

state_diff(model::CopyModel, x::SVector, x0::SVector) = x-x0
state_diff(model::CopyModel, x::SVector, x0::SVector) = x - x0
function state_diff(model::CopyModel{K,N,M,L}, x::SVector, x0::SVector) where {K,N,M,L<:RigidBody}
xinds = model.xinds
dx = state_diff(model.model, x[xinds[1]], x0[xinds[1]])
Expand All @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ end

TrajectoryOptimization.state_diff_jacobian!(G, model::CopyModel, Z::Traj) = nothing
function TrajectoryOptimization.state_diff_jacobian!(G,
model::CopyModel{<:Any,<:Any,<:Any,L}, Z::Traj) where {L<:RigidBody{R}} where R
model::CopyModel{<:Any,<:Any,<:Any,L}, Z::Traj) where {L<:RigidBody{R}} where {R}
for k in eachindex(Z)
G[k] .= state_diff_jacobian(model, state(Z[k]))
Expand All @@ -243,15 +243,15 @@ end

state_diff_jacobian(::CopyModel, x::SVector) = I
@generated function state_diff_jacobian(model::CopyModel{K,N,M,L},
x::SVector) where {K,N,M,L<:RigidBody{R}} where R
if R <: UnitQuaternion
if R <: UnitQuaternion{T,IdentityMap} where T
x::SVector) where {K,N,M,L<:RigidBody{R}} where {R}
if R <: QuatRotation
if R <: QuatRotation{T,IdentityMap} where {T}
return :(I)
G0 = @SMatrix zeros(N,N-1)
G0 = @SMatrix zeros(N, N - 1)
G0 = @SMatrix zeros(N,N)
G0 = @SMatrix zeros(N, N)
xinds = model.xinds
Expand All @@ -274,27 +274,27 @@ state_diff_jacobian(::CopyModel, x::SVector) = I

@generated function TrajectoryOptimization.∇²differential(model::CopyModel{K,N,M,L},
x::SVector, dx::SVector) where {K,N,M,L<:RigidBody{R}} where R
x::SVector, dx::SVector) where {K,N,M,L<:RigidBody{R}} where {R}

if R <: UnitQuaternion
if R <: UnitQuaternion{T,IdentityMap} where T
return :(I*0)
if R <: QuatRotation
if R <: QuatRotation{T,IdentityMap} where {T}
return :(I * 0)
G0 = @SMatrix zeros(N-1,N-1)
G0 = @SMatrix zeros(N - 1, N - 1)
G0 = @SMatrix zeros(N,N)
G0 = @SMatrix zeros(N, N)
dx_ = reshape(dx,:,K)
dx_ = reshape(dx, :, K)
ix_ = SVector{12}(1:12)
xinds = model.xinds
G = TrajectoryOptimization.∇²differential(model.model, x[xinds[1]], dx[ix_])
for i = 2:K
G = [G $G0]
for i = 2:K
dx_ = dx[ix_ .+ (i-1)*12]
dx_ = dx[ix_.+(i-1)*12]
G_ = TrajectoryOptimization.∇²differential(model.model, x[xinds[i]], dx_)
for j = 1:i-1
G_ = [$G0 G_]
Expand All @@ -309,11 +309,11 @@ end

function ∇²differential!(G, model::Dynamics.CopyModel{K,N,M,L},
x::SVector, dx::Vector) where {K,N,M,L<:RigidBody{R}} where R
x::SVector, dx::Vector) where {K,N,M,L<:RigidBody{R}} where {R}
ix = SVector{12}(1:12)
xinds = model.xinds
for i = 1:K
ix_ = ix .+ (i-1)*12
ix_ = ix .+ (i - 1) * 12
dx_ = dx[ix_]
G_ = ∇²differential(model.model, x[xinds[i]], dx_)
G[ix_, ix_] .= G_
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/double_integrator.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ end
function DoubleIntegrator(D=1; gravity=zeros(D))
pos = SVector{D,Int}(1:D)
vel = SVector{D,Int}(D .+ (1:D))
DoubleIntegrator{2D,D}(pos,vel, gravity)
DoubleIntegrator{2D,D}(pos, vel, gravity)

RobotDynamics.state_dim(::DoubleIntegrator{N,M}) where {N,M} = N
Expand All @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ RobotDynamics.control_dim(::DoubleIntegrator{N,M}) where {N,M} = M
@generated function dynamics(di::DoubleIntegrator{N,M}, x, u) where {N,M}
vel = [:(x[$i]) for i = M+1:N]
us = [:(u[$i] + di.gravity[$i]) for i = 1:M]
:(SVector{$N}($(vel...), $(us...)))
@generated function dynamics!(di::DoubleIntegrator{N,M}, xdot, x, u) where {N,M}
vel = [:(xdot[$i-M] = x[$i]) for i = M+1:N]
us = [:(xdot[$(i+M)] = u[$i] + di.gravity[$i]) for i = 1:M]
us = [:(xdot[$(i + M)] = u[$i] + di.gravity[$i]) for i = 1:M]
Expand All @@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ end

Base.position(::DoubleIntegrator{<:Any,2}, x) = @SVector [x[1], x[2], 0]
orientation(::DoubleIntegrator, x) = UnitQuaternion(I)
orientation(::DoubleIntegrator, x) = QuatRotation(I)

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