This is The tiny tools to generate strong password for any character, number, or symbol it's an automatic copy or saves file into passowrd.txt
Please follow the below instructions to run this project in your machine:
Clone this repository
git clone
if you have already nodejs you can ignore it, other ways nodejs to install now.
Use the package manager yarn to install yarn. after that run below the command
yarn install
open CLI then type follow below instructions to run.
node index -h
- -V, --version output the version number
- -l, --length length of password (default: "8")
- -s, --save save password to password.txt
- -nn, --no-number remove numbers
- -ns, --no-symbols remove symbols
- -h, --help display help for command
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.