This repository contains a Flask application used to perform interactive queries on a Brick ontology semantic model. The objective is to provide a quick and easy way to write validate and perform queries.
Install required packages from the requirement file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run flask application with the following command:
flask run
You should see something like this:
* Environment: production
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Now visit
to access the flask application.
Execute the following commands to create the Docker network, build a container and run the resulting image:
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
# create a network
docker network create brick-query-app-network
# build container uncomment if already built
docker image build -t brick-query-app .
# starts app database on localhost
docker run -d --net brick-query-app-network --name brick-query-app -p brick-query-app
Once the script finishes running, use the following command to list all running containers:
docker ps
When you finish close the containers and delete te network with the following commands
docker stop brick-query-app
docker rm brick-query-app
docker network rm brick-query-app-network
Distributed under MIT License and built with