This annotator tool is aimed at annotating hyperspectral images. It reads H5 files and expects the data to be in a group called 'hypercube'.
The data is expected in the format XYZ, with Z the spectral bands.
Labelnames should be defined in the label.xlsx file.
After saving, a seperate mask image is created in the H5 file as a 2D array: XY. The pixel value is dependant on the layer number: 1,2,3,...
after the labeling the internal H5 structure will look like this:
The H5 file will be renamed to _labeled_hypercube.h5
This annotator version is originally created by Edgar Cardenas. Updated by Ritchie Heirmans. Further developed by bachelor students, with some additional improvements added functionality:
- multi label
- improved GUI
- Folder selection through GUI
- Label info from excel sheet: column header name should be 'label'
- label_legend created in export h5 file
screenshots taken with HDF Viewer