Collection of scripts used for Preprocessing and Quantification for padFISH data set in the study "Two different chromatin modules regulate proinflammatory gene expression" from Seufert et al. (BioRxiv) (
padFISH is a multiplexed single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) method that combines elements from hybridization-based in situ sequencing (HybISS) [1] and single-cell resolution in situ hybridization on tissues (SCRINSHOT) [2]. The padFISH technique enables high-resolution tracing of nascent RNAs using intronic padlock probes (PLPs) that target cDNA, followed by rolling circle amplification (RCA) for signal enhancement.
- For the preprocessing of raw images (Imaris format) and metadata, image stacks were first transformed into maximum projected TIF files by running the RunIJ_imstoTif_GPU_v3.R script and imstoTif_headless_v2.ijm FIJI macro.
- The 02_Preprocessing_v1.6.ijm FIJI macro performed flatfield correction, chromatic aberration correction and stitching (via Grid/Collection Stitching FIJI plugin). Stitched images were used as input in all subsequent analysis.
- Nuclei segmentation on DAPI images was performed with Cellpose 2 [3] using the pretrained cyto model with diameter 150 and 200 for 60x and 100x objectives, respectively. To run Cellpose in batch the RunCellpose_batch_GPU_v3.R was used.
- Cell nuclei at the borders of the image or that displayed overexposure in individual channels were filtered out in R prior to further analysis (see Quantification section).
- Individual channel images and Cellpose nuclear masks were used as input in R to quantify image features in regions corresponding to nuclear masks using the custom function quantNuclei_v01.R [4].
- For padFISH transcriptional bursting analysis, we computed the sum of fluorescence intensities in each nucleus using the padFISH_Bursting_kinetics_analysis.R script.
- For the padFISH co-expression analysis at the CXCL cluster, the padFISH_CXCL_coexpression_analysis.R script was used.
- Gyllborg, D. et al. Hybridization-based in situ sequencing (HybISS) for spatially resolved transcriptomics in human and mouse brain tissue. Nucleic Acids Res 48, e112 (2020)
- Sountoulidis, A. et al. SCRINSHOT enables spatial mapping of cell states in tissue sections with single-cell resolution. PLoS Biol 18, e3000675 (2020)
- Pachitariu, M. & Stringer, C. Cellpose 2.0: how to train your own model. Nat Methods 19, 1634-1641 (2022)
- Frank, L. Perturbing and imaging nuclear compartments to reveal mechanisms of transcription regulation and telomere maintenance. PhD thesis, Heidelberg University (2023)