Data Source:
Code: ETLPython
by Richard Gomes de Araújo - 20/02/2024
1 - Importing Library
2 - Create Columns and Lines with a specific Data Layout
3 - Filtering Under Business Rule
4 - Dropping an Unuseful Column
5- Formatting Date
6 - Formatting Number
7 - Visualizing the Data Types
8 - Counting Values (Grouping by a specific column)
9 - Finding Null Values and Counting Them
10 - Changing Null Values by Zero
11 - Processing the Object Data Type
12 - Calculating Memory Usage of Dataframe 1
13 - Analysing the Content of the Column with Object Data Type
14 - Transforming the Column with Object to Category Data Type
15 - Transforming the df into df2.parquet
16 - Calculating Memory Usage of Dataframe 2
17 - Creating Functions to Automate the Process
18 - Creating Function to Concat All the Files
19 - Creating a Function to Execute the Functions
Importing Library:
# importing Library
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Create Columns and Lines with a specific Data Layout:
# Creating Columns and Lines
columnlayout = [(2,10),
columnnames = ['DateDealing','CodBdi','ActionSg','ActionName','OpenPrice','MaximumPrice','MinimumPrice','ClosePrice','BusinessQuantity','BusinessVolume']
df = pd.read_fwf('C:/Users/richa/Documents/ProjetosJupyter/COTAHIST_A2022.txt', colspecs = columnlayout, names = columnnames, skiprows=1)
Filtering Under Business Rule:
# Filtering a column under a business rule
df = df[ df['CodBdi'] == 2.0]
Dropping an Unuseful Column:
# Dropping an unuseful column where I need to use the command df.drop with number 1 to flag a column
df = df.drop(['CodBdi'], axis=1)
Formatting Date:
# Formatting Date
df['DateDealing'] = pd.to_datetime( df['DateDealing'], format='%Y%m%d')
Formatting Number:
# Formatting Numbers of the columns where I need to divide the number by 100 to obtain two decimals numbers
df['OpenPrice'] = (df['OpenPrice'] / 100).astype(float)
df['MaximumPrice'] = (df['MaximumPrice'] / 100).astype(float)
df['MinimumPrice'] = (df['MinimumPrice'] / 100).astype(float)
df['ClosePrice'] = (df['ClosePrice'] / 100).astype(float)
df['BusinessQuantity'] = df['BusinessQuantity'].astype(int)
df['BusinessVolume'] = df['BusinessVolume'].astype(int)
Visualizing the Data Types:
Counting Values (Grouping by a specific column):
# Counting Values (Group by a specific column) Useful to identify outliers
Finding Null Values and Counting Them:
# Finding null values and counting them
Changing Null Values by Zero:
# Changing null values by zero where np.nan means null values in numpy library is igual nan and inplace=True to
# transform the change permanent in the dataframe
df['BusinessVolume'].replace(np.nan, '0', inplace=True)
Processing the Object Data Type:
# Processing the Object Data Type
# First: Looking the size of each column in the Dataframe
memory = df.memory_usage(deep=True)
Calculating Memory Usage of Dataframe 1:
# Sum the total of memory my Dataframe is using dividing per 1024³ to discover the GB
memory.sum() / (1024 ** 3)
Analysing the Content of the Column with Object Data Type:
# Counting how many differents datas we have in the object column grouping them
Transforming the Column with Object to Category Data Type:
df['ActionSg'] = df['ActionSg'].astype('category')
df['ActionName'] = df['ActionName'].astype('category')
Transforming the df into df2.parquet:
# Transforming File Type to .parquet
Calculating Memory Usage of Dataframe 2:
# Reading the .parquet file
df2 = pd.read_parquet('ETLWithPython.parquet')
Creating Functions to Automate the Process:
# Creating Functions to Automate the Process
# Function 1
# Creating Columns and Lines with the layout and replacing the address file in the
def readfiles(path, namefile, yeardate, typefile):
_file = f'{path}{namefile}{yeardate}.{typefile}'
columnlayout = [(2,10),
columnnames = ['DateDealing','CodBdi','ActionSg','ActionName','OpenPrice','MaximumPrice','MinimumPrice','ClosePrice','BusinessQuantity','BusinessVolume']
# replacing the address by the function _file
df3 = pd.read_fwf(_file, colspecs = columnlayout, names = columnnames, skiprows=1)
return df3
# Function 2
def filterstocks(df3):
# Filtering a column under a business rule
df3 = df3[ df3['CodBdi'] == 2.0]
# Dropping an unuseful column where I need to use the command df.drop with number 1 to flag a column
df3 = df3.drop(['CodBdi'], axis=1)
return df3
# Function 3
def parsedate(df3):
# Formatting Date
df3['DateDealing'] = pd.to_datetime( df3['DateDealing'], format='%Y%m%d')
return df3
# Function 4
def parsevalues(df3):
# Formatting Numbers of the columns where I need to divide the number by 100 to obtain two decimals numbers
df3['OpenPrice'] = (df3['OpenPrice'] / 100).astype(float)
df3['MaximumPrice'] = (df3['MaximumPrice'] / 100).astype(float)
df3['MinimumPrice'] = (df3['MinimumPrice'] / 100).astype(float)
df3['ClosePrice'] = (df3['ClosePrice'] / 100).astype(float)
df3['BusinessQuantity'] = df3['BusinessQuantity'].astype(int)
df3['BusinessVolume'] = df3['BusinessVolume'].astype(int)
return df3
Creating Function to Concat All the Files:
# Function 5: Concat all the files
def concatfiles(path, namefile, yeardate, typefile, finalfile):
# using enumerate to index the i value
for i, y in enumerate(yeardate):
df3 = readfiles(path, namefile, y, typefile)
df3 = filterstocks(df3)
df3 = parsedate(df3)
df3 = parsevalues(df3)
if i==0:
dffinal = df3
dffinal = pd.concat([dffinal, df3])
# create a csv file with the result
dffinal.to_csv(f'{path}//{finalfile}', index=False)
Creating a Function to Execute the Functions:
# Function 6: Creating a function to execute the functions
yeardate = ['2022', '2023', '2024']
path = f'C:/Users/richa/Documents/ProjetosJupyter/'
namefile = 'COTAHIST_A'
# Obs.: I'm not using a dot after namefile or before typefile
typefile = 'txt'
finalfile = 'all_bovespa.csv'
concatfiles(path, namefile, yeardate, typefile, finalfile)