Modified on Deblur NeRF, to use Hololens captured dataset and replaced view embedding with trajectory information.
In ./resource
, you can find a demo showing the reconstruction of AnnaRoom by Deblur NeRF. See this for More output images and saved models of our experiments.
Illustration of each folder:
./TestScenes --Trained on poster, bookshelf, and whole room scenes
- bookshelf_base --bookshelf scene (corresponds to 4.3 in report)
- poster_base --poster scene
- room_base --room scene
- poster_less --poster scene with less training images (corresponds to 4.4.2 in report)
- tensorboard_logs
./AblationStudy --Trained on blurball scene, comparing between w/ and w/o Trajectory Information (corresponds to 4.4.1 in report)
- base_blurball --w/o Trajectory (original Deblur NeRF)
- traj_blurball --w/ Trajectory
- norm_traj_blurball --w/ Trajectory and normalized trajectory embedding
- tensorboard_logs
- Follow the official tutorial for environment building.
- The list of dependencies could be found at ./requirements.txt
- Load module:
module load gcc/8.2.0 cuda/11.6.2 python/3.8.5 cudnn/8.0.5 cmake/3.19.8 eth_proxy
- Activate virtual environment:
source ../env-3dvision/bin/activate
Overall procedures please follow instructions of Deblur-Nerf. Configs used for our experiments can be found in ./configs/3dvision_configs
. We added the following new parameters to construct config.txt
. To use original Deblur NeRF, simply set these two parameters into 0:
- kernel_quater_embed --the dim of quaternion coordinate embedding, generally set into 0 or 2.
- kernel_velocity_embed --the dim of velocity coordinate embedding, generally set into 0 or 2.
For a simple demo of TrajDeblur NeRF, please download blurball data, and run:
python --config configs/3dvision_configs/traj_blurball.txt
srun --time=1:30:00 --gpus=1 --gres=gpumem:16g -n 2 --mem-per-cpu=8g --pty bash
Check the status of allocation:
orwatch -n 0 squeue
Submit Job:
sbatch --time=4:00:00 --gpus=1 --gres=gpumem:16g -n 2 --mem-per-cpu=8g --output=./logs/raw_output --open-mode=append --wrap="[...cmd...]"
Check details of the job:
myjobs -j job_id
Check details of the job:
scancel job_id
Change access permission for others:
chmod -R u+rwx,g+rwx,o+rx ./
sbatch --time=16:00:00 --gpus=1 --gres=gpumem:32g --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=32g --output=./logs/raw_output --open-mode=append --wrap="python --config configs/demo_blurball.txt > ./logs/training_log"
Only Render
sbatch --time=16:00:00 --gpus=1 --gres=gpumem:32g --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=32g --output=./logs/raw_output --open-mode=append --wrap="python --config configs/demo_blurball.txt --render_only > ./logs/testing_log"
- upload file on to server:
scp -r /path/filename
- PNG 2 Video
ffmpeg -framerate 25 -i "%03d.png" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p video.mp4
Follow the instructions here to use original dataset of Deblur-NeRF.
This dataset is captured by Hololens2 and consists of two video recordings of two different room scenes. Each capture contains thousands of RGB video frames in 1280×720, monocular depth frames in a lower capturing frequency, the intrinsic parameters of the camera, and the corresponding camera poses and timestamp for each RGB frame. For the first capture (AnnaTrain/GowthamTrain), the HoloLens has a relatively slow movement, which results in a dataset containing less motion blur. While the second capture (named AnnaTest/GowthamTest) contains more motion blur. Here use the AnnaTrain as an example.
├── Depth (not used for this method)
├── Head (not used for this method)
├── SceneUnderstanding (not used for this method)
├── Video(rename into: images)
└── poses_bounds.npy
Following these steps to use Room Dataset
- Rename
folder into images - Run
to transform camera poses from HoloLens to COLMAP. Store the poses_bounds.npy following the above data structure. - Change code in
line 268 (you'll see instructions there) - Modify data paths in config files correspondingly.
For more information regarding coordinate transformation, check this
Our pipeline is build upon the Deblur-Nerf pipeline. If you use our code, please make sure to cite the original Deblur-Nerf paper:
title={Deblur-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from Blurry Images},
author={Ma, Li and Li, Xiaoyu and Liao, Jing and Zhang, Qi and Wang, Xuan and Wang, Jue and Pedro V. Sander},