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[ETH 3D Vision Project] Add trajectory infomation to Deblur NeRF. Train and test on HoloLens captured Room Dataset.


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TrajDeblur NeRF for ETHZ 3DVison project

Report | Video

Modified on Deblur NeRF, to use Hololens captured dataset and replaced view embedding with trajectory information.

Experimental Results:

In ./resource, you can find a demo showing the reconstruction of AnnaRoom by Deblur NeRF. See this for More output images and saved models of our experiments.

Illustration of each folder:

./TestScenes --Trained on poster, bookshelf, and whole room scenes

  • bookshelf_base --bookshelf scene (corresponds to 4.3 in report)
  • poster_base --poster scene
  • room_base --room scene
  • poster_less --poster scene with less training images (corresponds to 4.4.2 in report)
  • tensorboard_logs

./AblationStudy --Trained on blurball scene, comparing between w/ and w/o Trajectory Information (corresponds to 4.4.1 in report)

  • base_blurball --w/o Trajectory (original Deblur NeRF)
  • traj_blurball --w/ Trajectory
  • norm_traj_blurball --w/ Trajectory and normalized trajectory embedding
  • tensorboard_logs

Quick Start:

1. Setup Environment

if running on euler

  • Load module: module load gcc/8.2.0 cuda/11.6.2 python/3.8.5 cudnn/8.0.5 cmake/3.19.8 eth_proxy
  • Activate virtual environment: source ../env-3dvision/bin/activate

2. training and testing

Overall procedures please follow instructions of Deblur-Nerf. Configs used for our experiments can be found in ./configs/3dvision_configs. We added the following new parameters to construct config.txt. To use original Deblur NeRF, simply set these two parameters into 0:

  1. kernel_quater_embed --the dim of quaternion coordinate embedding, generally set into 0 or 2.
  2. kernel_velocity_embed --the dim of velocity coordinate embedding, generally set into 0 or 2.

For a simple demo of TrajDeblur NeRF, please download blurball data, and run:

python --config configs/3dvision_configs/traj_blurball.txt

3. Useful Commands for Running on Euler

  • Debug srun --time=1:30:00 --gpus=1 --gres=gpumem:16g -n 2 --mem-per-cpu=8g --pty bash

  • Check the status of allocation: squeue or watch -n 0 squeue

  • Submit Job: sbatch --time=4:00:00 --gpus=1 --gres=gpumem:16g -n 2 --mem-per-cpu=8g --output=./logs/raw_output --open-mode=append --wrap="[...cmd...]"

  • Check details of the job: myjobs -j job_id

  • Check details of the job: scancel job_id

  • Change access permission for others: chmod -R u+rwx,g+rwx,o+rx ./

Training sbatch --time=16:00:00 --gpus=1 --gres=gpumem:32g --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=32g --output=./logs/raw_output --open-mode=append --wrap="python --config configs/demo_blurball.txt > ./logs/training_log"

Only Render sbatch --time=16:00:00 --gpus=1 --gres=gpumem:32g --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=32g --output=./logs/raw_output --open-mode=append --wrap="python --config configs/demo_blurball.txt --render_only > ./logs/testing_log"

Other useful commands

  • upload file on to server: scp -r /path/filename
  • PNG 2 Video ffmpeg -framerate 25 -i "%03d.png" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p video.mp4


1. Deblur-NeRF Motino Blur dataset

Follow the instructions here to use original dataset of Deblur-NeRF.

2. HoloLens Room Dataset

This dataset is captured by Hololens2 and consists of two video recordings of two different room scenes. Each capture contains thousands of RGB video frames in 1280×720, monocular depth frames in a lower capturing frequency, the intrinsic parameters of the camera, and the corresponding camera poses and timestamp for each RGB frame. For the first capture (AnnaTrain/GowthamTrain), the HoloLens has a relatively slow movement, which results in a dataset containing less motion blur. While the second capture (named AnnaTest/GowthamTest) contains more motion blur. Here use the AnnaTrain as an example.

     ├── Depth (not used for this method)
     ├── Head (not used for this method)
     ├── SceneUnderstanding (not used for this method)
     ├── Video(rename into: images)
     └── poses_bounds.npy

Following these steps to use Room Dataset

  1. Rename Video folder into images
  2. Run ./ to transform camera poses from HoloLens to COLMAP. Store the poses_bounds.npy following the above data structure.
  3. Change code in line 268 (you'll see instructions there)
  4. Modify data paths in config files correspondingly.

For more information regarding coordinate transformation, check this

Citation and Acknowledgmentgs:

Our pipeline is build upon the Deblur-Nerf pipeline. If you use our code, please make sure to cite the original Deblur-Nerf paper:

    title={Deblur-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from Blurry Images},
    author={Ma, Li and Li, Xiaoyu and Liao, Jing and Zhang, Qi and Wang, Xuan and Wang, Jue and Pedro V. Sander},


[ETH 3D Vision Project] Add trajectory infomation to Deblur NeRF. Train and test on HoloLens captured Room Dataset.







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