Transforms a Tiled tmx map to a Pixi v5 container ready to use.
Load your .tmx file and the necessary assets to render the maps using PIXI.Loader, and let the module do the rest!
import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'
import TiledMap from 'tiled-to-pixi'
const app = new PIXI.Application()
.add('assets/overworld.png') // Tileset to render both maps
.add('TestMap1', 'maps/testmap1.tmx')
.add('TestMap2', 'maps/testmap2.tmx')
.load(function (loader, resources) {
// Generate the containers for both maps
let map1 = new TiledMap('TestMap1')
let map2 = new TiledMap('TestMap2')
How to test this example:
npm install
npm run build_example
After that, you will find the html file in tiled-to-pixi/example/viewer directory
To create a Collision Layer, create a layer named "Collisions" in Tiled and use any sprite to mark a tile as collisionable. Then, to check collisions just call isWalkable function from CollisionLayer:
let map = {}
.load(function (loader, resources) {
map = new TiledMap('YourMapId')
if (map.layers.CollisionLayer.isWalkable(x, y)) {
let collidables = map.layers.CollisionLayer.getCollidables()
returns false if the sprite containing (x,y) coords has been marked as collisionable, returns true otherwise.
returns an array of all the collidable rectangles with their position relative to the map.
You can also find a simple example in the example folder, or a more complete example at
MIT © Xavier Lopez Reynau