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Paddy Elixir

This library intent is to create a wrapper and send data to a Google Pub Sub topic.


Add the paddy lib to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:paddy, github: "ResultadosDigitais/paddy-elixir", tag: "0.1.0"}


It will install three dependencies:

  • google_api_pub_sub Publish data to Google Pub Sub
  • goth Auth with google
  • mock (only for test env)


In the application that will use the paddy lib, you need to set some configurations that will be used for paddy, google_api_pub_sub and goth.

First you need to create and download your own credentials in Google Cloud Platform click here for more information.

Once you download your credentials.json file you are ready to set all configurations.

Development/Test environment

  • Inside YOUR_APP_LIB/config copy or create a new json file with the same content of credentials.json
  • In the app/config/dev.exs and app/config/test.exs put the code:
config :goth,
  json: "#{Path.dirname(__DIR__)}/config/YOUR_CREDENTIALS_FILE.json" |>!()

Production/Staging enviroment

First you need to set the goth configuration properly. You can follow the Goth documentation and config the goth lib as you want.

You need to set the paddy configuration for project_id and topic_id that will be used internally to publish data to the given topic.

  • In the YOUR_APP_LIB/config/staging.exs and YOUR_APP_LIB/config/prod.exs put the code:
config :paddy,
  project_id: "some-project-id",
  topic_id: "some-topic"
  • Or if you prefer, you can call the publish method directly, passing the project_id and topic_id parameters as arguments:
Paddy.publish(params, project_id: "custom_project_id", topic_id: "custom_topic_id")


The lib is only responsible to receive the data and publish it to the previously set project_id/topic_id, the list IS NOT responsible to transform and mount the format, this step must be done by the application that will use paddy.

See an example of how to use Paddy in the iex console.

iex> version = :v1
iex> company_id = :rand.uniform(100)
iex> event_type = "foobar_event"
iex> payload = %{id: 1, name: "foobar"}
iex> event_timestamp = ~N[2018-08-01 22:15:07]
iex> params = %{
  version: :v1,
  company_id: company_id,
  event_type: event_type,
  event_timestamp: event_timestamp,
  payload: payload
iex> data = %{
  event_type: "#{:v1}_foobar_event",
  event_identifier: payload[:id],
  event_timestamp: event_timestamp,
  tenant_id: company_id,
  event_family: "SOME_FAMILY",
  payload: payload
iex> alias Paddy
iex> Paddy.publish(data)
iex> {:ok,%GoogleApi.PubSub.V1.Model.PublishResponse{messageIds: ["SOME_MESSAGE_ID"]}}


To improve the lib or run the tests locally you also will need to create a credential file and put if inside config/YOU_CREDENTIALS_FILE.json, recommended name for this file is google-pub-sub-fake-data.json. If you pick another name, you need to change the path for the file inside config/test.exs.


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