Router uses other contracts (factory, pair, library, etc) and add, remove, swap tokens from liquidity pools.
Quantstamp - commit 237cf3fa15ee95843603ab3857789cf2b53d58b7
There are 2 contracts in this repo
- uniswap-v2-library
- uniswap-v2-router
- Interacting with the contract
- Install the prerequisites
- All Test Cases
- Known contract hashes
- Deploying Router contract manually
- Manual Deployment
- Entry Point methods
- add_liquidity
- add_liquidity_cspr
- remove_liquidity
- remove_liquidity_cspr
- swap_exact_tokens_for_tokens
- swap_tokens_for_exact_tokens
- swap_exact_cspr_for_tokens
- swap_tokens_for_exact_cspr
- swap_exact_tokens_for_cspr
- swap_cspr_for_exact_tokens
- quote
- get_amount_out
- get_amount_in
- get_amounts_out
- get_amounts_in
- receive
- change_owner
- add_to_whitelist
- remove_from_whitelist
- Deploying Library contract manually
You need to have casper-client
and jq
installed on your system to run the examples. The instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.0 LTS.
You can install the required software by issuing the following commands. If you are on an up-to-date Casper node, you probably already have all of the prerequisites installed so you can skip this step.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install jq -y
Choose cutomize intallation to install nightly version Install the nightly version (by default stable toolchain is installed)
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup install nightly-2022-08-29
rustup toolchain list
rustup default nightly-2022-08-29-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
rustup --version
sudo apt-get -y install cmake
cmake --version
cargo install cargo-casper
echo "deb" bionic main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/casper.list
curl -O
sudo apt-key add casper-repo-pubkey.asc
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libssl-dev
sudo apt install pkg-config
cargo +nightly-2022-08-29-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu install casper-client
casper-client --version
casper-client --help
casper-client <command> --help
casper-client keygen keys
The keys can be funded from casper live website testnet faucet. Requires chrome browser and the casper signer extension. You should import the keys that were generated in the previous step
Make sure wasm32-unknown-unknown
is installed.
make prepare
It's also recommended to have wasm-strip available in your PATH to reduce the size of compiled Wasm.
Run this command to build specific smart contract.
make build-dependencies
Run this command to build specific smart contract.
make build-contract-uniswap-v2-library
make build-contract-uniswap-v2-router
Run this command in main folder to build all Smart Contract.
make build-all
Tests require that the CasperLabs-UniswapV2-core repository to be checked out into a sibling directory (one up from the current directory).
cd ..
git clone
To build the contracts and run the tests, first navigate back to this directory and run:
make all
To run all the tests:
make test-all
To Clean up
make clean
Router contract has already being deployed. Inorder to interact with it you need to call it by its hash. The table below contains the contract hash (without the hash-
prefix) for Router contract on public Casper networks:
Network | Account info contract hash | Contract owner |
Testnet | hash-d52d2e98554c1854fd8a9ce541a9d52dab73fd2841655513a9c8295898803ce0 |
Casper Association |
If you need to deploy the router contract manually you need to pass the hashes of the other contracts as parameter. Following is the command to deploy the Router contract.
sudo casper-client put-deploy \
--chain-name chain_name \
--node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/ \
--secret-key path_to_secret_key.pem \
--session-path path_to_wasm_file \
--payment-amount 250000000000 \
--session-arg="public_key:public_key='Public Key In Hex'" \
--session-arg="factory:Key='Hash of factory Contract'" \
--session-arg="wcspr:Key='Hash of WCSPR Contract'" \
--session-arg="library:Key='Hash of Library Contract'" \
Before deploying Router Contract, you would need to deploy other contracts first and pass hashes of these contracts to the respective parameters above. We have already deployed these contracts and the tables belows displays the hashes of the contracts.
Name | Network | Account info contract hash | Contract owner |
Factory | Testnet | hash-5028190b8a5b6addbf3d51ee2c6ae5b913f09223d65eff9bcf5985f74ae976ec |
Casper Association |
Wcspr | Testnet | hash-083756dee38a7e3a8a7190a17623cfbc8bc107511de206f03c3dbd1af5463a45 |
Casper Association |
Library | Testnet | hash-fa073d1a95a606871983689633dab9464fb5fbe5f723b0855e025ea01b9bf308 |
Casper Association |
Pair | Testnet | hash-8e6fbaae9f5ff3bb3cca7cb15723b2a47917d074922575187cb136e8d4b169a7 |
Casper Association |
For manual deployments of these contracts, following are the commands.
sudo casper-client put-deploy \
--chain-name chain_name \
--node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/ \
--secret-key path_to_secret_key.pem \
--session-path path_to_wasm_file \
--payment-amount 150000000000 \
--session-arg="public_key:public_key='Public Key In Hex'" \
--session-arg="fee_to_setter:Key='Hash of fee-to-setter Contract'" \
sudo casper-client put-deploy \
--chain-name chain_name \
--node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/ \
--secret-key path_to_secret_key.pem \
--session-path path_to_wasm_file \
--payment-amount 345000000000 \
--session-arg="public_key:public_key='Public Key In Hex'" \
--session-arg="name:string='token-name'" \
--session-arg="symbol:string='token-symbol'" \
--session-arg="decimals:u8='unsigned integer value'" \
--session-arg="initial_supply:u256='unsigned integer value'" \
sudo casper-client put-deploy \
--chain-name chain_name \
--node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/ \
--secret-key path_to_secret_key.pem \
--session-path path_to_wasm_file \
--payment-amount 120000000000 \
--session-arg="public_key:public_key='Public Key In Hex'" \
sudo casper-client put-deploy \
--chain-name chain_name \
--node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/ \
--secret-key path_to_secret_key.pem \
--session-path path_to_wasm_file \
--payment-amount 440000000000 \
--session-arg="public_key:public_key='Public Key In Hex'" \
--session-arg="name:string='token-name'" \
--session-arg="symbol:string='token-symbol'" \
--session-arg="decimals:u8='unsigned integer value'" \
--session-arg="initial_supply:u256='unsigned integer value'" \
--session-arg="factory_hash:Key='Hash of factory Contract'" \
--session-arg="callee_contract_hash:Key='Callee Contract Hash'" \
Following are the Router's entry point methods.
This method adds liquidity to ERC-20⇄ERC-20 pool.
To cover all possible scenarios, msg.sender should have already given the router an allowance of at least amount_a_desired/amount_b_desired on token_a/token_b.
Always adds assets at the ideal ratio, according to the price when the transaction is executed.Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type token_a Key token_b Key amount_a_desired U256 amount_b_desired U256 amount_a_min U256 amount_b_min U256 to KEY deadline U256 pair Option <Key>
This method returns
This method adds liquidity to ERC-20⇄CSPR pool with CSPR.
To cover all possible scenarios, msg.sender should have already given the router an allowance of at least amount_token_desired on token.
Always adds assets at the ideal ratio, according to the price when the transaction is executed.
Left over cspr if any is returned to msg.senderFollowing is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type token Key amount_token_desired U256 amount_cspr_desired U256 amount_token_min U256 amount_cspr_min U256 to KEY deadline U256 pair Option <Key>
purse URef This method returns
This method Removes liquidity from an ERC-20⇄ERC-20 pool.
msg.sender should have already given the router an allowance of at least liquidity on the pool.Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type token_a Key token_b Key liquidity U256 amount_a_min U256 amount_b_min U256 to Key deadline U256 This method returns
This method Removes liquidity from an ERC-20⇄ERC-20 pool.
msg.sender should have already given the router an allowance of at least liquidity on the pool.Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type token Key liquidity U256 amount_token_min U256 amount_cspr_min U256 to Key deadline U256 to_purse URef This method returns
Swaps an exact amount of input tokens for as many output tokens as possible, along the route determined by the path. The first element of path is the input token, the last is the output token, and any intermediate elements represent intermediate pairs to trade through (if, for example, a direct pair does not exist).
msg.sender should have already given the router an allowance of at least amount_in on the input token.Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_in U256 amount_out_min U256 path Vec <String>
to Key deadline U256 This method returns
Receive an exact amount of output tokens for as few input tokens as possible, along the route determined by the path. The first element of path is the input token, the last is the output token, and any intermediate elements represent intermediate tokens to trade through (if, for example, a direct pair does not exist).
msg.sender should have already given the router an allowance of at least amount_in_max on the input token.Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_out U256 amount_in_max U256 path Vec <String>
to Key deadline U256 This method returns
Swaps an exact amount of cspr for as many output tokens as possible, along the route determined by the path. The first element of path must be WCSPR, the last is the output token, and any intermediate elements represent intermediate pairs to trade through (if, for example, a direct pair does not exist).
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_out_min U256 amount_in U256 path Vec <String>
to Key deadline U256 purse URef This method returns
Receive an exact amount of CSPR for as few input tokens as possible, along the route determined by the path. The first element of path is the input token, the last must be WCSPR, and any intermediate elements represent intermediate pairs to trade through (if, for example, a direct pair does not exist).
msg.sender should have already given the router an allowance of at least amount_in_max on the input token.
If the to address is a smart contract, it must have the ability to receive cspr.Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_out U256 amount_in_max U256 path Vec <String>
to URef deadline U256 This method returns
Swaps an exact amount of tokens for as much cspr as possible, along the route determined by the path. The first element of path is the input token, the last must be WCSPR, and any intermediate elements represent intermediate pairs to trade through (if, for example, a direct pair does not exist).
If the to address is a smart contract, it must have the ability to receive cspr.Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_in U256 amount_out_min U256 path Vec <String>
to URef deadline U256 This method returns
Receive an exact amount of tokens for as little CSPR as possible, along the route determined by the path. The first element of path must be WCSPR, the last is the output token and any intermediate elements represent intermediate pairs to trade through (if, for example, a direct pair does not exist).
Leftover CSPR, if any, is returned to msg.sender.Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_out U256 amount_in_max U256 path Vec <String>
to Key deadline U256 purse URef This method returns
Given some amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns an equivalent amount of the other asset.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_a U256 reserve_a U256 reserve_b U256 This method returns
Given an input amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns the maximum output amount of the other asset.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_in U256 reserve_in U256 reserve_out U256 This method returns
Given an output amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns a required input amount of the other asset.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_out U256 reserve_in U256 reserve_out U256 This method returns
Performs chained getAmountOut calculations on any number of pairs.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_in U256 path Vec <Key>
This method returns
Performs chained getAmountIn calculations on any number of pairs.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_out U256 path Vec <Key>
This method returns
Only accept CSPR via from the WCSPR contract.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount U512 purse URef This method returns nothing.
Change the owner for whitelisting.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type owner Key This method returns nothing.
Add a user to whitelist.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type user Key This method returns nothing.
Remove a user from whitelist.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type user Key This method returns nothing.
If you need to deploy the Library contract
manually you need to pass the some parameters. Following is the command to deploy the Library contract
sudo casper-client put-deploy \
--chain-name chain_name \
--node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/ \
--secret-key path_to_secret_key.pem \
--session-path path_to_wasm_file \
--payment-amount 120000000000 \
--session-arg="public_key:public_key='Public Key In Hex'" \
Following are the WCSPR's entry point methods.
Return the tokens Contract Package Hash.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type token_a Key token_b Key This method returns
Return the reserves.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type factory Key token_a Key token_b Key This method returns
Given some amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns an equivalent amount of the other asset.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_a U256 reserve_a U256 reserve_b U256 This method returns
Given an input amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns the maximum output amount of the other asset.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_in U256 reserve_in U256 reserve_out U256 This method returns
Given an output amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns a required input amount of the other asset.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type amount_out U256 reserve_in U256 reserve_out U256 This method returns
Performs chained getAmountOut calculations on any number of pairs.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type factory Key amount_in U256 path Vec <Key>
This method returns
Performs chained getAmountIn calculations on any number of pairs.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type factory Key amount_out U256 path Vec <Key>
This method returns
Returns the pair on the following addresses.
Following is the table of parameters.
Parameter Name Type factory Key token_a Key token_b Key This method returns