Casper Wise is an innovative and highly secure DeFi ecosystem.
This is the official WISE graphQL code for the Casper network.
- npm install to install all the packages in the package.json file
- make a new file and name it .env
- copy paste the env.example file content into .env file
- make sure env variables are set properly
- add all contract and package hashes in the database by calling addcontractandpackageHash endpoint
- npm start to run the server
- Run the backend locally
- Goto http://localhost:3000/graphql
- Then go to docs
- Run the backend locally
- Goto https://localhost:3000/api-docs
- Change NODE_MODE to developement (For not mixing the real database)
- npm install to install the require packages,
- npm start to start the server
- open another terminal and node test.js to run the test cases
Paste this command on the ubuntu terminal, that will create a keys folder for you containing public key , public key hex and secret key.
casper-client keygen keys
Paste the keys folder created by the above command to Scripts/LIQUIDITYTRANSFORMER and Scripts/WISETOKEN folders.
We can fund the keys from casper live website faucet page on testnet.
Use the script file in package.json to perform the deployments
"scripts": {
"deploy:liquidityTransformer": "ts-node Scripts/LIQUIDITYTRANSFORMER/deploy/liquidityTransformerContract.ts",
"deploy:liquidityTransformerFunctions": "ts-node Scripts/LIQUIDITYTRANSFORMER/deploy/liquidityTransformerContractFunction.ts",
"deploy:wiseToken": "ts-node Scripts/WISETOKEN/deploy/wiseContract.ts",
"deploy:wiseTokenFunctions": "ts-node Scripts/WISETOKEN/deploy/wiseContractFunction.ts"
Use the following commands to perform deployments
npm run deploy:liquidityTransformer
npm run deploy:liquidityTransformerFunctions
npm run deploy:wiseToken
npm run deploy:wiseTokenFunctions