This repository contains a set of dotfiles portable between different systems that setup an awesome terminal environment.
Some features:
- Fish
- Vim/Neovim
- Tmux
- 24-bit True Color colorscheme
- Be sure you're using the latest version of a 24-bit True Color compatible terminal that supports ANSI escape sequences. I personally use termite on Linux, iterm2 on Mac OS and ConEmu on Windows.
- Change the terminal font to one of the powerline patched fonts. I personally use Hack. The font size depends on the display.
List of dependencies that should be installed on your system in the latest versions:
gnu stow
You can install only one of vim
or neovim
, or both.
Before stowing any packages, first run the
script. This will
initialize all the directories and ensure you can keep your own set of dotfiles
as long as you don't have any files conflicting with this one.
Below are dependencies to be installed for each language you want to use. The dependencies are intentionally repeated for each language it is used, so that it is easy to see all dependencies for each language you want to use.
Dependencies to be installed through npm
Dependencies to be installed through pip
globally (preferably with Python 3's
Clone this repository together with it's submodules to somewhere in your home:
git clone --recursive -j8 ~/dotfiles
Enter the dotfiles directory and use stow
to symlink what you want. For
example, if you want to use fish's configs, run:
stow fish
This will symlink all files to the appropriate locations.
Please take a look below for additional instructions for each package:
On Linux, you'll want to install the following commands: xclip time
For ArchLinux only, also install pacmatic
. Keep in mind that the Linux
configuration is tuned to ArchLinux.
You'll need to install the silver searcher.
You only need to run stow vim
for both Vim and Neovim, as the config files are
shared between both of them. Internally, the Neovim structure of folders is
used, as it's better than vim's. The dotfiles try to preserve the default XDG
directory structure as much as possible.
On Mac OS, you'll need to use iTerm2 and MacOS Sierra or later. For Mac OS only:
- Install
. It can be installed with homebrew. - On iTerm2's settings, enable the "Applications in terminal may access clipboard" option.
- Disable the Mission control key bindings for the arrow keys. They interfere with tmux's bindings to resize panes.
To update the dotfiles to the latest version, first pull the latest version of the repository:
git pull
Then, restow all packages that you use. For example, for fish:
stow -R fish
WARNING: you should not need to do this to update the dotfiles. Doing this might break your dotfiles in case the plugins make any incompatible changes. Using the version provided by these dotfiles ensures all programs work as expected.
If you want to use the latest version of all plugins instead of just using the versions that come with these dotfiles, run:
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
This will update all submodules to their latest versions.